Moab 2007 May 19-20 Chat Thread | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab 2007 May 19-20 Chat Thread

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Well looks like I will not be making it. I am needing to head to Michigan over the holiday weekend.


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I'll be arriving Thurs. night and ready for a run on Fri.:D

I'll be arriving on Thursday evening with the Fakrwee II.:burnout: I'm up for a scenic trail on Friday to warm up.

Gerald count me in for the dino tracks.:D

yeah i forget what its of the hardest obsticles in moab...

yeah i forget what its of the hardest obsticles in moab...
I'd have to disagree. Hells Gate is easily done as long as you have a spotter that knows the line (and you follow them ;) ). I'd say even a mildly built rig w/ a single locker/ls could manage.

Actually thats true of most of Moab. Because of the extreme traction on the rocks, its not as important to have a built rig as it is to have good driver & spotter skills.

yeah i forget what its of the hardest obsticles in moab...

Maybe a better statement is to say Hell's Gate is one of the most FAMOUS obstacles in Moab.

Jefe's rig can attest to picking the right line, however. Just ask his passenger side mirror.:)

I'm stoked I just made my reservations for a campsite at Canyonland's.... I had to save money so I'll be camping there.

Fakrwee; I guess I haven't kept up on the boards and I won't try to hijack this one; but what do you mean by Fakrwee II ???? I'll have to search it out and see what the deal is... no more kokopeli sticker'd sport?

Jefe's rig can attest to picking the right line, however. Just ask his passenger side mirror.:)
Yeah, that obstacle gets you so screwed up as to which way is up. Shows that even the best still need a spotter sometimes. :eek: :p:

Ashli is bringing her son/my stepson Ivan (9 yrs old) who wants to see where we got married. I've been to Top of the World about eleventy-dozen times but I guess I'll end up there again this year so Ivan can see it. If there's some stockers that want to do that then I'll offer to lead them up there, or if some of you that have more modified Explorers that want to take the funner route then we can go via Rose Garden Hill and make an adventure out of it.

Tom if you're good for the dino tracks run I guarantee we'll figure out how to make it happen :thumbsup: It'll be good to see Ralph again after all these years.

PS ~ it's over a 4,000 mile roundtrip for me to make it to Moab now and no less with full gear and a dog in the Explorer. When I make the trip I'd like to see something new. In addiition to "Flat Iron Mesa" I don't think any of us have done some other trails like "Hey Joe Canyon'. I'd like to throw that idea out for consideration.

I'm good for whatever the group decides; I'm just throwing out ideas. :) We always change plans once we show up anyway, LOL.

FAKRWEE II is his crazy cousin Ralph. :D

Nope! FAKRWEE II Is a completly changed navajo coming back from the :dead: It's really going to be one of a kind. The rollover changed it's personality. :D

Gerald you're on:thumbsup:

Nope! FAKRWEE II Is a completly changed navajo coming back from the :dead: It's really going to be one of a kind. The rollover changed it's personality. :D

Gerald you're on:thumbsup:

Ok so Ralph's name is "WHERE THE" :p:

Ok looks like i might have a rig after all and brain this you will like that is if it all goes the way im trying to work it out

78 cj5 304 4 inch lift 35 tires ill prolly change to 33s when they wear out or go to a bigger lift

I've been to Top of the World about eleventy-dozen times but I guess I'll end up there again this year so Ivan can see it. If there's some stockers that want to do that then I'll offer to lead them up there, or if some of you that have more modified Explorers that want to take the funner route then we can go via Rose Garden Hill and make an adventure out of it.

As a newbie, though not exactly stocker, it's my goal this year to do Top of the World. I would love to go.

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That would be cool, I've never been out there.

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