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MrQ's Red Flyer

Red no longer has to worry about the EVIL HOA!!! He's parked in the shade until he gets to his new loving home. ;)


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I'm working on that...I'm looking at Shade since Russell says it hates him, which's gotta mean its gonna love me. :p:

But seriously, Russell and I are working something out.

I'm working on that...I'm looking at Shade since Russell says it hates him, which's gotta mean its gonna love me. :p:

But seriously, Russell and I are working something out.

um, yes...working something out....:shifty_ey


So I was re-reading the Red going to be fighting me too? I mean, if so, he'll, pardon me, SHE'LL fit right in lol

Still gotta used to a female explorer, lol

Glad to see Red didn't go to the scrap yard.

Was able to speak to the landlady about Red yesterday, her reaction...

HOA's suck, and she is glad Red is going to Ok and not being lost. :thumbsup:

[BritishAccent_On] Yes, quite good indeed I do say my good fellow, cherrio! [BritishAccent_Off]
