Mrs. RockRanger's 2001 V8 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mrs. RockRanger's 2001 V8 Explorer

Yesterday I went and picked up Tracy's "new" explorer. Some of the specs:

One Owner
110,000 miles
V8 with AWD
Leather interior
XLT package

It isn't perfect but it should work well for us. I know a place where if I have questions on it I can get answers.


  • 2012-07-18_17-55-27_853.jpg
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another white one??????? lol we can fix that! :JP:

...Another white one and it looks like Steve's..:p:

..Well, what Steve's used to look like...

..You guys are keeping her Jeep or is this getting a SAS..?

another white one??????? lol we can fix that! :JP:

Tracy wanted white so I found her a white one. I wanted a V8 so I got one :D.

...Another white one and it looks like Steve's..:p:

..Well, what Steve's used to look like...

..You guys are keeping her Jeep or is this getting a SAS..?

There is no big dent at the bottom of the drivers door......

We are keeping the Jeep.

This Explorer is currently in Virgina. Tracy and Bailey will be out for a visit for two months and needed a vehicle. What I would spend on a rental will just about cover what I paid for this one. Then when I am done working here next spring we will do a family trip cross country.

Plan for this is to say mostly stock and join you and Brian1 on some back road exploring.

...Man...I wish I was working far enough away to get me another Ranger..:D

Then when I am done working here next spring we will do a family trip cross country.

...I really like that idea...Hopefully you can make some stops and do some Exploring on the way home...:biggthump

Looks like a good score Matt;)

There is no big dent at the bottom of the drivers door......

A trip to T-haven will fix that:D

Glad it worked out Matt! :thumbsup: Looks like you got a good one there.

WOW, Looks great.
I don't see what the issue is with it being white. It would look good in our driveway between our two white ones.:D

You are driving Chris crazy he wants to fix the drivers door handle he said that it is dirty or something:crazy:

WOW, Looks great.
I don't see what the issue is with it being white. It would look good in our driveway between our two white ones.:D

You are driving Chris crazy he wants to fix the drivers door handle he said that it is dirty or something:crazy:

Yeah the handle needs a bit of paint. There are few other small things but overall it should work well for us.

...Then when I am done working here next spring we will do a family trip cross country....

Swing down to Georgia, and drive out to Nevada with us...

I never knew you could walk into a DMV at 4:45 pm and walk out with new plates and registration all taken care of by 4:55. Virgina was way cheaper then it would have been in CA as well.

Also checked the door tag for the axle and it looks like 3.73 open diff. Means a lunch box locker is cheaper :D Guess i shouldn't of sold that aussie 5 years ago I was going to put in my ranger.

Swing down to Georgia, and drive out to Nevada with us...

Keeping my options open. We will see when the time gets closer. Not sure how long I will be able to keep a two year old happy for long car rides.

Congrats to you and Tracy on the new addition to the family:chug:

I never knew you could walk into a DMV at 4:45 pm and walk out with new plates and registration all taken care of by 4:55. Virgina was way cheaper then it would have been in CA as well.

damn you beat me. i was in and out in 30mins last week with my ranger. like 8am-8.45am. the extra 15 was driving lol

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Takes me 5 minutes every time I register a vehicle and get plates, and costs around $40 for plates and registration... Just saying...

Truck looks good. Manual transfer case all it's getting? edit: nevermind, just saw you said you plan to keep it mostly stock.
