New 5.0L Headers are HERE! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New 5.0L Headers are HERE!

None the less, the headers are made with "mild steel",
tube diameter is 1.5" OD, they are ceramic coated in
polished aluminum with the rear exhaust flange
machined from solid steel to our specs. The other
flanges (headers to head and single flange on tube,
left side) are laser cut to our specs. We wanted to
make our headers as good as possible. These headers
are precision headers.


On our stock Explorer, the Dyno Testing ended with 10
more horsepower and 40 pounds of torque gained just
with the header change.

More information as I get it. Install will happen soon. :D

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Does anybody know what the OEM header diameter is?

stretch said:
Does anybody know what the OEM header diameter is?

small :smoke:

...and if you look at the FMS headers VS these ones... you can see how FMS cheats by having more than one exhaust port exit through the tube. So it seems that these would flow way better to begin with.


  • fms.jpg
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40ft-lbs!? I definatly could of used that pulling the boat I did this past week!

Nitrous SSC said:
40ft-lbs!? I definatly could of used that pulling the boat I did this past week!

But i can assure you it wouldn't be low end torque

boominXplorer said:
But i can assure you it wouldn't be low end torque

Agree; a heightened RPM benefit would be most noticable; however with the stock X cam I would expect more mid-range benefit though.

performancenut said:
Agree; a heightened RPM benefit would be most noticable; however with the stock X cam I would expect more mid-range benefit though.

Yeah. I just put my FMS headers on and its a BIG differance. I lost a little low end torque but after that she flys! Then again I think the true duals helps her breathe easy to. I am thinking that only people with a stock cam would be interested in these BIG headers as if someone with an E-cam that would turn it into a DOG off the line

Boomin, did you say that you have 2.5" pipes behind the mufflers? How much room was there to snake the left side around the fuel lines and spare tire?
I'd like to add a 2.25" tailpipe to my 98 Mountaineer, and a Magnaflow muffler.

Our 4700+ pound trucks need bottom end power, and all of the Ford cams have much higher intake cam specs than we need. I rebuilt my 91 Mark VII engine with a Wolverine cam(218/224 @.050) with Edelbrock heads and intake. I never used it myself, sold it to a friend with a 95 Cobra, and it flys!
All stock Fords can benefit greatly from much more exhaust camming. Making the intake duration bigger only changes low RPM sound(lope), and doesn't help a stock engine much.
I'd like to modify my engine also, but I know I'll eventually be building for a supercharger, so I am trying to wait.

These headers look promising, and will help a bunch for a mild to wild engine. I do wonder what the inside joints look like. The transitions from pipe to pipe need to be very smooth, with no overlap or weld material.
Thanks for any help about the tailpipes,
DW :chug:

I am very interested in these. When will they be available / ready to ship? I have been screwing around with my own set of long tubes, but will probably never finish. I need these NOW!

Have you bolted a set on? How is plug clearance on the RHS? Looks tight for the middle two.

CDW6212R said:
Boomin, did you say that you have 2.5" pipes behind the mufflers? How much room was there to snake the left side around the fuel lines and spare tire?
I'd like to add a 2.25" tailpipe to my 98 Mountaineer, and a Magnaflow muffler.

I ditched the spare. I could of kept it but the constant heat of the 2.5'' pipes only .75'' of an inch away will kill a tire.

Ditching a spare for the sake of an exhaust system is not a good idea. Even if you have AAA you are still stuck until you fix/replace a tire.

I like the look of the headers and I'm impressed with the construction, however just looking at the routing I am concerned about clearance to other components in the engine compartment.

Ford standard clearances are 50-70mm from exhaust components to anything that has rubber or plastic unless that component is shielded and 100mm away from fuel related components. You also need to have 35 mm clearance to the steering shaft.

Looking at the driver's side header I'm concerned about clearances to the ABS control unit, master cylinder, steering shaft and engine compartment electrical box. For the passenger side I'm concerned about the clearance to the HVAC case.

Would you please post some in vehicle pictures?

Towing this week I was at 3000+RPM and at about 4100RPMS in 2nd Gear staying with traffic going up steep canyon's 40-ftlbs would of been awesome. :)

Is there a website or phone # we can call? I'm seriously interested.

Any possibility we can knock $100 off with a group buy of 10 or more?

yea i vote for a group buy

Got it baseline dynoed today! We'll start the header install after the motor cools down.

The results were lower than I wanted.. but I guess they're okay for now.

HP= 191.53
TQ= 217.38

I'll get it dynoed again next week with the new headers on. Then again after I get some AFTERMARKET exhaust. I think the motor is being suffocated.

Anyway, here is a fun little video clip of the dyno

These would be some great, although not cheap, performance headers for some of us Rangers with 302 swaps. Any chance the final version will cots under half a grand?

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section525 said:
I'll get pics, videos, sound clips.. everything! :D

Not sure on the date of availablilty. I'll ask that too. I know they're still going through CARB approval.

Don't need CARB approval in NC; sell me a set and I'll help in the approval process though!
