New SYNC Version 3.4.23088 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New SYNC Version 3.4.23088


Explorer Addict
February 18, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Mondovi, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
Just came out. My Explorer did an OTA update. First time it ever has. Showed up on my Ford Owners account.

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Is this a real update? Seems like no one has gotten it to display 23088 as the version number in the vehicle after install. Not even on other Fords like the Escape. I find it weird not only this but that CyanLab did not get their hands on a copy weeks before official release. There is no mention of a 23088 on that site at all.

At this point I sure don't know. I chatted with Ford earlier today and they are aware of it. They told me to do a key cycle to make if show on the Explorer. After doing that twice nothing changed. I plan to wait a day or 2 and see what happens. At this point not much else I can do. Could be Ford messed up a software release. I would suggest turning off automatic update if your concerned about it.

I am not concerned at all. I don't have mine connected to wifi and have autoupdate off. Always get updates via Cyanlab... just seems easier to me.

Supposedly, the Sync app in this package is identical to 22251. Ford botched this one.

I just signed onto my Lincoln account from my home computer and was surprised to find that it apparently is communicating with my vehicle. It shows the mileage, mileage left on the current fuel level and the tire psi. It also shows that my Sync version is 3.4.23088.


I just signed onto my Lincoln account from my home computer and was surprised to find that it apparently is communicating with my vehicle. It shows the mileage, mileage left on the current fuel level and the tire psi. It also shows that my Sync version is 3.4.23088.


Peter, have you checked your Aviator to see what SYNC version it shows?

Hi Dale. Yes, it still shows 22251.

I just got off the phone with Ford. After trying a couple resets she said to contact my service department. They may need to force a download to my Explorer. Guess I will contact them and see what they say.

Supposedly, the Sync app in this package is identical to 22251. Ford botched this one.
They botch every update, never seen one work both through OTA or USB.......always something.

They botch every update, never seen one work both through OTA or USB.......always something.
Never had any issues with the USB updates. Only had 1 WiFi update including Navigation and no issues other than it seemed to take forever to complete. OTA is only available with Sync 4.


My ST shows v22251 on the vehicle screen but Ford Owner site shows my vehicle is up to date with v23088, but won't offer any update download.

Called SYNC Support, the guy there was laughing while chatting and he simply said "yes we know its an issue, Im being told to refer you to the dealership".

BTW OTA (Over the Air) is generic term that simply means the update is pushed out wirelessly with through cellular or WiFi, it's used on any vehicle with a modem. Our vehicles with SYNC3 have modems and can download OTA for all updates if that's the method chosen. Due to its poor execution and lackluster performance most chose the USB methods. Ford does try and define their proprietary OTA method as something exclusive to SYNC4 but its not, its generic.

It may be generic but they are really 2 different systems. WiFi requires that you are connected wirelessly to a router while OTA allows updates from almost anywhere. Cell phones use OTA updates. Using a 'generic' term to describe 2 different architectures can and has caused confusion here on the forum before.


My ST shows v22251 on the vehicle screen but Ford Owner site shows my vehicle is up to date with v23088, but won't offer any update download.

Called SYNC Support, the guy there was laughing while chatting and he simply said "yes we know its an issue, Im being told to refer you to the dealership".

BTW OTA (Over the Air) is generic term that simply means the update is pushed out wirelessly with through cellular or WiFi, it's used on any vehicle with a modem. Our vehicles with SYNC3 have modems and can download OTA for all updates if that's the method chosen. Due to its poor execution and lackluster performance most chose the USB methods. Ford does try and define their proprietary OTA method as something exclusive to SYNC4 but its not, its generic.
As I posted earlier I was also told to contact my service department.
Mine will only update via WiFi as that is the only connection I have with my Explorer.
I've had good luck doing updates using the USB method.

What is really funny is the dealerships literally know less than the SYNC support people, so when you go to the dealership guess who they call?.........yup the same people we called.......anyone seeing a problem? LMAO!!!!!!

What is really funny is the dealerships literally know less than the SYNC support people, so when you go to the dealership guess who they call?.........yup the same people we called.......anyone seeing a problem? LMAO!!!!!!
I haven't even bothered to contact my dealer so far.

I haven't even bothered to contact my dealer so far.
Same here. Everything is working fine and I should have the 2023 Aviator in a week or so. I'm sure it will show 22251 as well. :)


This morning my Ford Owners shows my SYNC software is back to 3.4.22251. Go figure. :dunno:

Mine is as well.

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23088 now available at Cyanlabs
