update, checked long term fuel trims at recommended rpms, still getting awful mileage like 6 mpg. idle long ft1 max 11.7 min 8.6, longft2 max 10.9 min 7.8 at 868 to 744 rpm, 1500 rpm test longft1 max 2.3, min 2.3, long ft2 max 0.8, min 0.8, 2500 rpm test longft1 max 1.6, min 1.6, long ft2 max min both 0.00. i really need to read up on understanding these trims im getting frusterated lol note. as for replaced egr solenoid i could draw air with my mouth through the new part and the old part (unplugged in my hand), so i assumed was fine. if i take green vac hose off egr valve i can feel a little bit of vac palpitating but not crazy suction or anything. unplugging it does not seem to affect anything.