Official RockRanger/Jefe Dr. Pepper thread... | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Official RockRanger/Jefe Dr. Pepper thread...

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Jefe said:
Looks like DP will have a new flavor available soon:

And since all us DP fans are here, what does everyone think of Cherry Vanilla DP? When it first came out I'd buy a 12 pack of it and a 12 pack of regular, and thought it was pretty good. I just picked up a bottle the other day and didn't like it nearly as much as I thought I did.

I tried the Cherry vanilla Dp, and was not impressed :rolleyes:

However, the new Cherry Vanilla Coke is Awsome! :thumbsup:

This is Stang Girl, still can't get SVO logged out here at the house, anyway, I tried the Diet Cherry Vanilla DP, and really didn't like it. However, my son loves it.

You know have to confess something. I wasn't always a huge Pepsi fan, when I was younger, much yonger. I had my heart set another soft drink. I'm thinking maybe it's time to go back to my roots. Ahh the good old days. *sigh*


Stic-o said:
You know have to confess something. I wasn't always a huge Pepsi fan, when I was younger, much yonger. I had my heart set another soft drink. I'm thinking maybe it's time to go back to my roots. Ahh the good old days. *sigh*
I used to like Dew as well. Not as well as DP however. Its too citrusy for me now. But when I need a good pick-me-up, a mix of 3/4 DP and 1/4 Dew is really good. :thumbsup: And yes that exact ratio is the best combination of the two.

OMG..... my favorite drink when I was a kid was Dr Pepper because it was my dad's favorite drink. As years went on he started getting hooked on Mt Dew.... I don't think he ever thought of mixing them though. I'll have to give that a try and hoist one up to his memory :thumbsup:

Its good to see fellow DP people... :D Growing up in TX, I didn't think there was anything else to drink...

Don't think I would make it that far off the paved road (not right now anyway, but hopefully soon), but if someone coming to Moab wants to bring a few extra cases of Dublin with them, I'd be more than happy to pay for them... ;)

CobraXP said:
Its good to see fellow DP people... :D Growing up in TX, I didn't think there was anything else to drink...

Don't think I would make it that far off the paved road (not right now anyway, but hopefully soon), but if someone coming to Moab wants to bring a few extra cases of Dublin with them, I'd be more than happy to pay for them... ;)

Here's the website -
Order it online and have it delivered to your doorstep. :D

Here is the representation from the Demon 4x4 BBQ last Sunday. Good job Zavaral!!! :thumbsup:

FYI, my daughter and son found out that the local "mom and pop" video store sells the Dublin Dr. Pepper bottles for $1.50.

found this in the whoops thread


I have a friend of mine send me a 6 pack of Dublin DP every month. Its my Friday dessert for a long week.

$1.50 a bottle seems a little high, in Texas they are they exact same price as normal DP.

Alright, I must of grew up in a dark corner of the world or something, but just what is "Dublin Dr.Pepper?"

99stocksport said:
found this in the whoops thread
I saw that also, but didn't have time to cross post it. Good job :thumbsup:

Joey p. said:
Alright, I must of grew up in a dark corner of the world or something, but just what is "Dublin Dr.Pepper?"
Hasen't this already been answered in this thread?
Dublin DP is made from cane sugar as the original formula calls for rather than corn syrup.

I read through the thread and didn't see it....Thanks though.

Jefe said:
I saw that also, but didn't have time to cross post it. Good job :thumbsup:

That would be Zavaral again helping SVO with Mudd*****'s new engine. Between Zavaral and myself, when he is over at our house, we can go through a 12 pack in no time flat. :eek:

Dr. Pepper Museum

Just to let ya'll know...I have to go to Waco tomorrow for a couple of days for work. My co-worker and myself are going to the Dr. Pepper Museum while we are there. I have been before but she hasn't. I'll take the camera and take lots of pics for you guys. :D

I'll post them up on Saturday. ;)

New Dr Pepper can? Picked up a few 12 packs today and thesewere the cans inside.


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RockRanger said:
New Dr Pepper can? Picked up a few 12 packs today and thesewere the cans inside.
I had seen the new logo (its the logo on the new berries and cream flavor), but not on a regular can yet. Looks good. :thumbsup:

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i enjoy dr. pepper.
