One day Gilmer run June 5th!!!! TEXAS!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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One day Gilmer run June 5th!!!! TEXAS!!!


Axle Annihilator!
March 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Arlington, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 4x4 Explorer
Ok well I had a little carnage on my last trail in MOAB, the frame actually ripped apart where my track arm was welded. Imagine that I made a good weld that did not break but the frame actually ripped off about a 1/4 inch around the weld. I am reinforcing it this weekend and want to try it out next weekend so it will be ready for the July Hot Springs Run. This will be the last weekend I have available until then due to me going on some family trips.

So who wants to go with me?????? :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :roll: :nono: :hammer: :burnout: :cool:

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:) me me me me me
i was gonna run with the xterra crew but they dont sound too excited about a non-nissan driveer hanging around. u know what i mean??

Where is that located BTW. Fairly new to forum and never been trail'n before.

Gilmer is 270 miles east of Witchita Falls so about 4.5hrs away from you according to Microsoft Map.

Ok swak so I guess its me and you for now!

Are you still OEM or do you have lift and tires. Most of the trails will require a minimum of 31x10.50 tire size, 2 inches of lift and recommend at least one locker or limited slip device. That's if you are planning on driving on the trails.

What time are you planning on leaving/returning? If I brough my truck, I would not be able to trail it, its stock. So I would have to be a tag along/observer. But I can still take my truck or not either way. But if you pass through I could tag along with you if its no bother. Could help cover the gas and all for the trip.

Let me know,

You could ride along with us, and we could probably go on a few scenic trails where as long as you have 4wheel drive you could run them. But for the most part you can ride with either myself or another who attends. Remember this will just be a one day trip. Later on in July we have the hot springs run which will be all weekend. Oh and gas is not necessary if your just riding along with me its free. :chug:

maybe i'll come for the helluvit if i have a shotgun seat.

Yeah, mines just a 4X2. If we left early and were able to get back by 12-1AM it would work great. I start work at 2AM. So i might be able to squeeze it without having to take off work. Otherwise I could drive my truck and leave early enough to get back. But sounds great.

Msupertek said:
Ok swak so I guess its me and you for now!

Are you still OEM or do you have lift and tires. Most of the trails will require a minimum of 31x10.50 tire size, 2 inches of lift and recommend at least one locker or limited slip device. That's if you are planning on driving on the trails.

u forgot my xj? its running 33s... so i think it will be ok. i dont know if the rear has limit slip on it or not but it went up twister without a glitch.. on the hard side.. of course. so, i look foward to it. just need to put in that bump stop at the front spring so it would not pop out again.
