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Rick said:
Michael and I added a bit more "character" to our Explorer's bodies. He nailed his front fender and rear tail light and I took out a tailight and bent some metal on the rear quarter.

Michael still has lights, LOL? :D

Those waterfall pics are awesome! - actually coming out of water and climbing a cliff with the drops still dripping down off of the vehicles - really cool.

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Rick said:
Tom, I took out my tail light on the same rock that grabbed your rear window!!

Besides the rear window we had some other "stuff" happened. You guy's actually had a smother run.

Great pics guys, sorry I couldnt make it. I was surprised and kidnapped to Havasu for my birthday. Saw a big red Toyota strapping a Blazer on the way down I-17 though. :)

How many tries did it take to get up the waterfall on Judgement day?

Hmmm, I could shoulda went to this. I've been so busy with work that I haven't followed this thread and thought it was going on this weekend, any PHX guys want to go again this sunday???

Here I was ****tailing on Sunday when I coulda been wheelin.


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Rick, I will check my tail light inventory for you. I can't remember which one I gave you at T-haven(passenger or driver side), but I think I have the match for it at the house. I have the Mazda ones too.

Sounds good Kevin :thumbsup:

Tom, it took 1 attempt for each truck. I took the bypass to the left anticipating that the others would need to be strapped up the waterfall. No one needed the strap though.

I pulled my hubs today and as expected, water had seeped into them. One thing led to another and now I am replacing all my ball joints and all the hardware holding the front end together. It's been 5 years since the SAS was completed. I thought replacing the hardware would be good preventive maintenance at this time.

Of the 4 ball joints 3 were bad. One seemed good, but I'm replacing it anyway.

looks like you guys had a blast. wish my rig would get done, so I can do so terrain like that.

Rick you are too hard on those ball joints :) hahaha 5 years is longer then mine last it seems........

I would have to attest the ball joints to the high speed wash runs. I know Rick is street legal, but he isn't logging 1000's of mile on the Ex.

I believe the ball joint wear came from immense forces being placed on them by 36" tires and hydraulic assist.

You think? hahahaha
Oh man....I have Moog stock

Yeah, that could do it too.

I've got the Pumpkin back together so I'm a go for a run on Sunday if you guys still want to do it.

I'm glad I replaced all the bolts holding my front end together. I found 1 bolt that was bent and another that showed a lot of wear. One thing that didn't need replacing was the wheel bearings. I believe I'm still on my first set since the SAS. I've only blown 1 hub in the past 5 years too. Sure beats the D-35!

Matt, Sam and Andy (in Sams old Cherokee) did the trails on the white tanks. It was close to Sams and really close to Andys house. Everyone had plans for early in the afternoon so they had to make it short and sweet.
I needed to spend time with the family, this new job is a 72 hour a week job for a while. My two year old thought I moved out :(

Anyway, great pics, I cant believe the water :eek:

Screw the D35 :shoot:
