Return from Mudhaven run Jan 2010 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Return from Mudhaven run Jan 2010

tell him, we wanna see pics,,

no pics got dark too quick on me out there.

but i am out and well at the casino now getting ready to head for home

more details in the am.

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Accidentally had the camera in black & white for the first few :rolleyes: oh well

The rangers

on the trail


Some of the group



never actually made it over :( haha



Taking a break at the sign tree



Matt's popped bead


Thought you might like this one, DB...

Brian on the right and mine on the left

Playin' around in the wash


And a last few from Sunday before leaving


Night run!:p:

Well the rescue mission was a success:thumbsup:
I think I found the biggest stretch of mud out in Truckhaven on my way to find Cyber, I thought i'd take the "easy" way and take the frontage road to the wash. I was in 2wd when I found it and got half way into it when I became stationary. Had to get out in the muck and flip the hubs, my shoes are 10 lbs. heavier now.

I hope Dave at least paid for gas....he should know better! Next time your walking to the gas station buddy!:p:

I hope Dave at least paid for gas....he should know better! Next time your walking to the gas station buddy!:p:
That's what friends are for; To help you out when you do something not entirely brilliant.
I have gone wheelin' lots of times by myself, but have stayed on well used trails where there will be other people, or just not done anything too difficult. I got a winch just so I could pull myself out if I was alone and stuck. Sometimes, I just can't stand people and need to get away from them for awhile.

Good job Dave in helping Cyber out.

I got back last night without drama even with only 3 brakes. Just took it slow. Thanks to RockRanger, Maniak and Cyber for helping out with the broken brake line.

Excellent weather out there, lots of sun but in the 60's. It was fun to be the first group out there after the rain. I have a few pics, I'll post up tonight.

I hope Dave at least paid for gas....he should know better! Next time your walking to the gas station buddy!:p:

Yes i took care of this :thumbsup:

But anyways on to the rest of the story........

After saying goodbye to the Kennedy Family i left headed over to the wash by Marina and had been messing around over there. been doing OK for about 2ish hours.

Then i got the idea to use the GPS and back track my way over to CJ Hill (been logging all the points we been to on Sat.) and then back track my way to the phone booth area to see what the road looked like over there.

and then "maybe" head up there before heading home.

Was making my way just fine out there got the to the Waterfall so i went up the easy way (for me at least) then i got confused on which way to go.
Thought i was supposed to go the right past Stic-o's rock :p: but in hindsight i was supposed to stay to the left.

Mistake #1 I did not get out and check the trail ahead just went down it cold turkey. (guess got alittle too confident)

Mistake #2 was not paying attention to my line ended up to far to the right
and them got the right side tires up on a berm and then the right front dropped off a 1-2 ft ledge. Which left me teetering on the left front, right rear tires.

at this point cause of the angle i was pointing down and teetering i stomp on the brakes trying to figure what to do next. well I waited too long to make a decision. at this moment i was trying to inch the truck down. With the steering locked up trying to get it to turn to the right (would only turn left)
When the motor began to sputter.

So the motor dies from a lack of fuel and would not restart. so i tried to continue inching the truck down without the motor and i lost the battle with the steering it went full left lock on me as i was doing this. And then the tire got stuck in a berm on the left side.

so there i was stuck and the light fading fast figuring out to do well i had nothing in the truck with me that would help me out recovery wise.

So start scanning around the CB to see if i could pick up people near by me and get help that way. No Luck there.

and then i walked back up to the top of the Waterfall and started scanning the landscape. Nothing kept hearing motors in the distance but think they all were on the other side of the ridge line.

so i grabbed the ol Cell Phone to see if i had service there (which i did barely)
but i had recently gotten a new phone and have not transferred all the numbers in to the new phone.

So i tried to Call Ted (Tbars4) first (thought i memorized his number NOT)
so no luck there looking through my contacts. The only other number i had was for Gregg (gmanpaint) so i called him and told him what happen and he got me the number for Dave (DB1) since I knew he was the closest to Truckhaven so I called him up and told what happen and where I was at so he said ok he would come out.

about 7:50pm he made it out there. and size up the situation we first tried pulling me back up the trail but that was not happen cause i could not turn the wheels and the left front was stuck on a smaller ledge.

So we decided to pull the truck down and sideways off the hill and that worked to a point but the front bumper got stuck against the hill and we could not drag it sideways any further so i tried to start the truck back up since we were on flatter ground, click click click yup the Battery went dead:mad: So Dave had to jockey his truck around again so we could get the battery cables hooked to my truck.

Well my truck fired right back up and then was able to get it out under it own power again finally.

and then on the way out Mark (Maniak) calls me to see if i still needed help DOH totally forgot that Mark was Closer than Dave cause he was camping near by. :banghead: but by that time we headed out of the area. so we made our way back to Marina Dr. and then up to the Casino hooked up Dave with some gas for coming out to help me and then i aired up the tires and headed home myself.

I hope Dave at least paid for gas....he should know better! Next time your walking to the gas station buddy!:p:

He did actually but only because he offered. I really don't expect anything, I was happy to help;) I only hope someone is there for me when I need it.

Pics of the muddy aftermath

mudflaps worked



on to the Videos, Photos are gonna have to wait till i can find my USB Cord :(

but anyways Rockranger on CJ hill Attempt number 1 :D

These ain't no little Foxes :scratch:


I got you back Dave.....I just can't get there for 3+ hours:( :p:

I agree Brian, and I think any of us would help each other out in a jam, that's why I asked in the other thread about Joe and his brake line.

Glad everybody made it home ok.:thumbsup: Can't wait to get back out and join you.

I am still in shock, moisture? let alone PUDDLES? truckhaven got wet!!

It was a unique Truckhaven experience. It required all of us to drive with the Maniak style, lots of skinny pedal.

It was also very cool being the only group out there.

I almost sent the wife and kid home with my parents and stayed another day.

Washed the Explorer this morning. Spent the rest of the time scraping mud off the driveway. I swear the suspension raised up a inch after squirting all that mud off. Glad its supposed to rain tomorrow so I don't have to clean out the street gutter.

cyber needs to invest in a 5 gallon jerry can.

cyber needs to invest in a 5 gallon jerry can.

The funny part is his rear bumper already has the mount for it. I kept the can when I sold him the bumper though. :dunno:

So i tried to Call Ted (Tbars4) first (thought i memorized his number NOT)

...You know I would have showed up...:biggthump

...With camera in hand of course and we would have played around some more too...:bsnicker:

..P.S. sending my number again by p.m....

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