Return from Cliffs Oct 20, 2007 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Return from Cliffs Oct 20, 2007


Explorer Addict
September 6, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Pella, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Sport and '89 B2
Here are some picts and video from me and Jman's trip to Cliffs Insane Terrian. There was a group of FJ's there that was kind of in the way because they would block up a few trails. It was rumored they were doing some sort of promotional thing for Toyota.

There were a few tight trails...

I got stuck right off the bat trying a hole after we tested the depth, but missed the ruts in the water, so it was a little deeper than we thought. I still have water in my fog lights from it...

The extraction.

Try 2

I big valley at cliffs, I can't remember the name, but it wasn't Jimmy's crack.



Other video

Other Pics





More picts and video in the next few days, I need to get the pics/video from my passenger. It was a great time. The creek was a blast.

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The creek was fun except for the fact that it constantly sounded like you were breaking something.

Too bad i forgot my camera, the girls took a few pictures but i havent seen them yet so if they're any interesting ones i'll post them.

Wasn't the valley called Lorri's Holler?

Here i lightened up the pictures that were a little dark. Not the greatest quality but i don't have photoshop on this computer.


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ya, I didn't edit any of the picts, I talked to my rider today and he said that he's got some good pics, I'll put them up whenever I get them.

Sort of weird watching someone else wheel my old ride...

Glad to see that you're getting it out and off-road. The old 'Sploder lives for that stuff. :thumbsup:

Don't worry about the weird noises -- Its a Ford -- when it quits making noise, it will be dead... :D

looks like a blast guys. hope to join you next time. i'll have to check out the videos later when i'm not at work.

Sort of weird watching someone else wheel my old ride...

Glad to see that you're getting it out and off-road. The old 'Sploder lives for that stuff. :thumbsup:

Don't worry about the weird noises -- Its a Ford -- when it quits making noise, it will be dead... :D

Haha yeah i believe it i've had to watch my dad drive my Lightning home before and it was wierd. The truck did great though the only time i had trouble was when i hit ruts that were too deep.

Yeah now that i actually did some wheeling i wanna go back every weekend. My parents were afraid i'd break something considering this is my only truck that drives currently.

Yeah Aric you did miss a fun time. Get your truck back to 4x4 and let me know when you want to go.

Looks like you guys had a great time:thumbsup: I'm glad you guys have somewhere to wheel out there. I had never heard of an ORV park in Iowa before this.

Rick i think your a little confused. Cliffs is in IL. There WAS one in Iowa but Kert said they closed it to SUVs/Jeeps.

I saw Kert's profile showed Iowa, so I made an incorrect assumption;)

Well, It's good to see there are offroad parks in Illinois:D When I was back there a few years ago with the Pumpkin, I called a 4x4 club to see if I could take some of my friends out for a run in the Pumpkin. At the time they said all the parks had been closed:(

Nope Cliffs is open year round on the weekends and has been for as long as i can remember (which is only like 2 years haha). I know there are a couple more but they aren't as big/popular as cliffs and i've only heard them mentioned by one or two people.

Only thing i don't like about cliffs is the wheelbase limit since most of the guys i know that offroad around here have full size rigs.

There is a Rockport off road park in southern Illinois, but they lost the rights to their land so they moved to northern Missouri and i believe they go by another name. I think they are open for competitions now and will be open to the public pretty soon if they aren't already. but Badlands is half the distance and probably just as good. but the new Rockport park is based out of an old quarry also, so it should be a good crawlin park. I dont know if it would be worth the extra 2-3 hours over the badlands though.

Looks like you guys had a great time:thumbsup: I'm glad you guys have somewhere to wheel out there. I had never heard of an ORV park in Iowa before this.

Ya, as stated, this park is in IL. It was a 4.5 hr drive for me there.

As far as I know there are 3 places in Iowa to wheel currently, however, they are all privately owned. One it over in western Iowa called TimberRidge, but you can only buy a membership to wheel there, no going there and wheeling for a day. The other place is owned by a guy in a club called "Make it or break it 4x4" The only way to get there is if you know the guy or are in the club, and after seeing video's from that place, I wouldn't go there unless I had a cage...

The last place is on private ground somewhere south of Des Moines it is fairly new and owned by someone in the "Central Iowa 4 wheelers Inc" That club only uses it about twice a year and thats about it, look like similar terrain to Cliffs, I'll hopefully get there eventually since I follow their boards a bit.

What sucks is there are like 6 public ATV places and none for SUV's/trucks.

There is a Rockport off road park in southern Illinois, but they lost the rights to their land so they moved to northern Missouri and i believe they go by another name. I think they are open for competitions now and will be open to the public pretty soon if they aren't already. but Badlands is half the distance and probably just as good. but the new Rockport park is based out of an old quarry also, so it should be a good crawlin park. I dont know if it would be worth the extra 2-3 hours over the badlands though.

It's called "Hannibal Rocks"

Rockport moved? I thought they were still in IL.

That wasn't the place i was thinking of though. I really wanna head out to Badlands, Aric how far is it from us timewise?

Kert if you go to either of those places let me know and i'll come out there for a weekend. We used to go camping in Monticello every year and the drive only took us about 3 and a half hours. But that was in my mom's car, in the 92 i'm sure it would take a good amount of time longer.

Nice pics and videos... :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing

at 60 mph most of the way (guys with trailers, deep gears, etc) about 4 hours. I've only been there once... but it was amazing. and once you are on the highway going there (47 i want to say.... or 42... or sumthin) there are 4 stopsigns/lights (give or take a few) so you get good mileage. it took my explorer a little over 1/4 tank to get there.

edit: just saw the videos... makes me hungry for 4x4!!!!! i've got over 4k left on my visa limit with no interest till july..... might as well take advantage right?

at 60 mph most of the way (guys with trailers, deep gears, etc) about 4 hours. I've only been there once... but it was amazing. and once you are on the highway going there (47 i want to say.... or 42... or sumthin) there are 4 stopsigns/lights (give or take a few) so you get good mileage. it took my explorer a little over 1/4 tank to get there.

Well i'm not gunna pull a Kert and drive that long for just a day. So looks like it'd be a weekend thing for me.

edit: just saw the videos... makes me hungry for 4x4!!!!! i've got over 4k left on my visa limit with no interest till july..... might as well take advantage right?

Do it dump that 4k into your xplorer and call me when its done. :D
Just kidding, i'm not that far away if you need an extra set of hands. I have weekends off so let me know.

all i really have left to buy are the 35 spline upgrades for the front(1100ish with longfield u-joints, alloy usa shafts, and warn hubs), all the links(tubing and end links), and miscelaneous stuff like brake fittings/lines and steering lines.... and another vehicle to drive......

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Wow. Good deal, get it done.

Did you make your front bumper? I can't remember.

I got a few friends looking to sell vehicles. Only one i can think of that you'd want would be a first gen explorer but the trans is shot. Although he would sell it cheap.
