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Return From Moab 2005

Nice pics/vids! :cool:

Wow, Harold really did make it up Rock Chucker like it was nothing! :eek:

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Yeah, it was kind of disappoining watching him make things look so easy. He was cool though. I especially liked the safety brief he gave everyone prior to riding with him.

Ok, one more thing. Rino...what is the deal with your hood being there in the beginning and then it was off later on???? :eek: :confused:

His engine kept getting hot. That was the easiest way to fix it.

Yeah, it was there for Friday and Saturday, but then someone stole it!! Honestly, who steals a hood? :rolleyes:

It made a world of difference for the overheating issues! :thumbsup:

One more video

This one is a two parter. It was my first major obstacle after going over a 30 ft cliff. I also had the picture of the jeep that rolled backwards down that very same obstacle, and then Josh went right before I did. Listen to the audio, it's pretty funny at times.

(dead links)

hey, dwd do u have anymore of widow maker, i need to show a entire run at it to a friend. hes have trouble believing the pictures...

more pictures

This is Jared. I used Mike's hosting site to upload my(dead links) /jareds_moab_05_photos]pictures[/URL] for you guys. I have Day 1 up, Day 2 by morning, and so on. Enjoy...there are tons of photos.

ThirteenthCurve said:
hey, dwd do u have anymore of widow maker, i need to show a entire run at it to a friend. hes have trouble believing the pictures...

That's all I got

I have some but there nothing exciting, just one after the next getting a strap and going on up.

ThirteenthCurve said:
hey, dwd do u have anymore of widow maker, i need to show a entire run at it to a friend. hes have trouble believing the pictures...

Widow Maker is heavily covered in my Day 3 pictures. Hopefully I'll have them up by tomorrow afternoon.

410Fortune said:
That HAS TO BE a scary spot, especially after the famous video of that Wrangler going over backwards a few times.....

Now that I saw the video I think I would try it with some careful spotting...
That obstacle has an incredible intimidation factor, and is very difficult to spot because it is so steep. Even after seeing many videos of people running Hells Gate including the Jeep roll, John and I both spotted it wrong for the other person. We both ended up lifting a front right tire (like in the roll vid) before feeling/seeing it was wrong and backing off.

I have yet to see the vid, but I don't know how Goliath managed to end up soooo far to the right :confused:

well thanks to all for an Excellent weekend,
I think that was the most fun I have ever had on a wheeling trip, rain, sun, day night we had non-stop fun, Sunday was the funniest ever, between Joey and Brian I almost lost it a few times.. Joey TREE Brian Life Is Too Short know the rest. Kevin and Sho(?) you guys were great, Rick and tom great to wheel with ya again, Tom sorry for such a rough weekend, Ryan, Jared and family were great, Positive Vibes cool group too! Sunday night we had the funniest camp fire situtation I have ever seen!!! Too bad someone passed out!!!!! I did pick up a new name or two, BAM_BAM although it is taken by another board member if he is still around! and of course

CLICK CLICK BOOM, fortunately the boom waited until after all the hard stuff on the last day, Thanks for the tug Kevin!!!

Joey the Video is great!!!!!!

bmxking5 said:
Nice pics/vids! :cool:

Wow, Harold really did make it up Rock Chucker like it was nothing! :eek:
Rock Chucker is actually a very easy obstacle for the Jeep wheelbase. John also climbs up it like it is nothing.

awesome vids DWD ! ! thanks for sharing with us less fortunate !
glad to see you kept the rubber down :D

Got back from moab

Its 11:30pm tuesday and i finally made it back from moab. i had a blast and want to thank everyone for the great time. I cant wait to return to moab next year. The videos and pictures are awesome, I will post mine later this week. Now that I watched the video of my flop (roll) on my side in hells gate I wonder what the hell I was thinking going sooo far to the right. :confused: A great big thanks goes out to Tom and the other people who rolled me upright. :thumbsup: :D

Remember DiffWhackDaddys motto - Keep The Rubber Side Down :exp:


Holey moley, its going to take me a week to download these videos :)

Everybody who went send me your adress and ill get some DVDs out. The DVD is about 65 minutes long with about 14 songs. If anybody else wants one PM me and will work something out. I would just send it to whoever but DVD's arent cheap.

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Thanks people for another awsome trip to Moab.

It was great seeing everyone again and meeting a few new ones.

Sorry we didn't make it for the Metal Masher but I didn't want to push it especially after our long day on Golden Spike and a 900 mile drive back.
