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Return From Moab 2005

Nope, wasn't him. The plug wire is kinda messed up, and barely seats onto the plug.

So it literaly fell off when the zuk was tipped over.

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LOL, i was just kidding. Im suprised no one saw it, We were all looking at it for a good 15 minutes.

Ok, its now 1:15am and I finally got the rest of my pictures uploaded. For some reason I had to upload them one at a time 🔥 Anyway here they are: (dead links)
Note: The album includes all my pics from the trip including friday, which you've already seen. Newer pics start in middle of page 3.

Great shots!!



Rick said:
Yes, the 2200 is an excellent printer. It will also do longer prints than 19" if you have the materials.

Is that the printer you used to print Ashli and my wedding photos you gave to us? They are truly first rate... I was really surprized they came from a "computer printer" and look no less than any other professional photographer print. :thumbsup:

Get this, I go to unload the Explorer from the trailer, completly forgetting about the fuel pump. I fire it up and go driving around town doing all kinds of **** and dont have one problem with the fuel pump! I dont know whats up with this POS pump! Its like a chick on her period. If i do change the fuel pump ill make sure to shoot it a few hundred times!

So did anybody ever get a hold of Harold?

Yes, I emailed him the links to all the photos and to this thread.

With a newer body, it pretty much could be your rig. Ours are really close. I think the only unnoticeable difference is the front suspension design.

oh and the interior lights at night hahaha
