School me on Fox Shocks.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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School me on Fox Shocks....


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Ok, so as some of you may know, My Rear shocks started leaking and Poly Performance has given me a choice to wait or switch out for some Fox's. But I don't really know muck about the Fox's. Any feed back would be great.

14" Fox 2.0 Emulsion

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They are awesome. You will never need to buy shocks again. You will not believe how well your **** will work going from the typical twin tube junk to a real shock. Its night and day. Since you're spending the dough, go ahead and go remote ressy. Plan on doing some tuning.

Not really spending alot of dough..I'm running BBCS now which I would consider a "real" shock. Poly said they would upgrade me to these for $36 bucks each, if I desided to return my leaky ones, instead of waiting a month.:rolleyes:

Ah, sorry, i didnt see that you were running a decent mono tube to begin with. Both are leaking???

I would upgrade for $36 each myself, Fox has a great reputation

Ah, sorry, i didnt see that you were running a decent mono tube to begin with. Both are leaking???

yeah, they had a problem with them, I guess it's common:rolleyes: put the seals in upside down or something. However my fronts are not leaking...yet:rolleyes:

Geeezz, colin! I'm tryin to talk the wife into a winch and you want me to put out another $150 bucks for shox :mad: :p:

Is the fox rebuildable?

If so, do it now.

Geeezz, colin! I'm tryin to talk the wife into a winch and you want me to put out another $150 bucks for shox :mad: :p:

Keep hitting her up for the winch and tell her the shocks are a safety issue. :D

order them together and pull the "I had a cupon for a package deal"...

then deny the knowledge that they would be arriving in seperate packages from seperate places.

I have found Craigslist to be an excellent place to shop for winches.....


Sorry to hear you're having problems with those shocks, I heard great things about them...

From what I've heard, the new ones should be good with a better built in bumpstop. I think they are getting a new vendor for them.

I've got Fox shocks & I think there one of the best, you can rebuild them and they can be valved to your liking. If you go that route, give them all the specs. on your rig so they can they to get them stetup before shipping them out.

I've got my old Rancho 9000's that you can use till Poly gets in the new ones if you like. They are about 3-4" longer than the stock Explorer rear shocks.

If I send you 4x $36 will you get me 4 ea Fox 14" smoothies? Shhhh nobody ever has to know, I'll even pay shipping!!

Ok...So the wife gave me the go on the Fox's:biggthump Now I just got to call and talk to poly about taking all 4 back, and get the fox's back and on by T-haven.:( That and I don't need the truck at all next week.

Yes Tom, the Fox's are rebuildable.

sounds like you already made you decision but i can guarantee you wont be dissapointed with those fox's

Ok So here is the deal... Poly will not take all 4 shocks back, only the two that are leaking. So I have 3 options they said..

Get my money back for the two shocks

Wait till mid feb or so, the 3rd gen ones to come in. (I have the 2nd)

Get my money back for the two and upgrade to fox's

Well, I really don't want to wait, and I don't want to run two diferent shocks. So I'll pull the shocks this weekend to make sure they are straight, and then send them back.

Now I could try to sell the front ones, and then buy foxs all the way around, this a very possible option. If I can just find some one who wants them:rolleyes: $150 bucks for a set...Any one? :(

put them on the back until they start leaking put the foxes up front? :)

put them on the back until they start leaking put the foxes up front? :)

Can't they are valved different. The fronts are valved for coils and the rear are for leafs. When I got them I was thinking there was probbaly no difference, but when I took the bands off boy was there a difference!:eek:

how long until the front two start to leak is my question

You can have them re-valved no?

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how long until the front two start to leak is my question

You can have them re-valved no?

When I talked to Poly they said some do and some don't, They said if they have not had aproblem up till now then they are good. The other thing is the set that is leaking, we're a return when I got them, it's all they had instock for leafs:rolleyes: I got pull the rears this weekend, who knows they may be bent:( Then I'll have to get new shocks anyway:banghead:

Lucly the wife is being pretty understanding about the whole thing;)
