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Section525 '96 XLT V8 4WD

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Section525 - Red Bluff - CA
1996 Explorer XLT 5.0L 4x4

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Motor/Drivetrain Specifications
GT40P Head Swap
Torque Monster Headers
FMS E-303 Camshaft
FMS 1.6 Roller Rockers & Valve Springs
K&N Intake
Magnaflow Exhaust
4R70W w/ Advance Adapters output shaft and housing
BW1354 Manual Transfer Case

Axles & Suspension
Front Dana 44 from a Jeep Wagoneer
5-Lug Conversion
ARB Locker
4.88 Gears
Rock Equipment Knuckles
Sky Manufacturing High Steer Arms
Fox 14" Reservoir Shocks
JC Whitney 5-leaf Waggy Springs
Custom Stainless Brakelines

Rear 8.8 LSD
4.88 Gears
Spidertrax Wheel Adapters
Warrior Shackles
Pro Comp AALs

37" IROKs on 15x8 American Racing Bajas

ARB Compressor
Warn xd9000i Winch
Rock Sliders
Front Shackle Tow Points

Quad Bucket Seats
Extra Oh **** Handles

Future Mods
Rear Winch
Rear ARB
Hydro Assist

My SAS Thread #1

My SAS Thread #2

My SAS Registry

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I have some fist gen factory ones on my garage wall, that I ready just for this. ;) I figure I'll glue a magnet on them when the time comes :p:

They even say "EXPLORER" on them:D

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They don't treat the X as a "station wagon" in Ca like they do in Az? In AZ explorers don't need them since they aren't a truck.


That's a negative. :( The law reads 'any motor vehicle with three wheels or more'.

So I'll rig up something temporary to get it signed off. I can't see myself having mud flaps on this thing full time since it only sees the road for a few miles a year. And mud flaps rate right up there with bug shields and brush guards.

Ive never checked out your rides really but I clicked on it in your sig and read this thread, your explorer has come so long, and it looks amazing man!

Anymore plans for it?

Not the fabbin' I wanted to do this weekend but whateva! :D

They're not pretty, but they'll keep the fuzz off my back.


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That's "hongkin'".

they look legal , but awful,,

the things we have to do cause of ambulance chasers,, i swear ,,

they look legal , but awful,,

the things we have to do cause of ambulance chasers,, i swear ,,

You're tellin' me! Its hard for me to look at these things. :(

After my cop buddy comes out to sign my ticket off, I see these thing ending up in the rear cargo area. I may or may not remember to put them back on.

Updated pics from a better camera.

Very creative with the disconnect mud flaps. I can see them selling to all the wheelers that drive on asphalt in CA.

Out of curiosity, if the rig had out of state tags on it, would the CA "Fuzz" still write a ticket? How bad do they enforce that law?

Out of curiosity, if the rig had out of state tags on it, would the CA "Fuzz" still write a ticket? How bad do they enforce that law?

I'm not sure. This is the first time in 10 years that I've been pulled over. Really, my Super Duty would fall into the same infraction. I think they really only go after the drastic offenders. But really I think they're just pulling you over in hopes of catching you for something bigger and badder. I thought he'd let me off the hook since its not a DD, its registered and insured, and I don't have any warrants (in this state :p: ), etc. But they have to justify what they did all day too, I hear.

Weekend Update, Section? It was a beautiful three-day weekend to get some fabbin' done. ;)

I've been a good kid lately so Sarah bought be a GoPro. :D

