Something w/ rabbits. 72.5 pages of BS | Page 55 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Something w/ rabbits. 72.5 pages of BS

So seeing as spring is just around the corner, I thought I'd start a thread on the future undertaking of swapping in the Dana 60.

The axle is from a 1986 "Fawwd" F-threee "fitty", sporting some kingpins and a whole lot of rust. I took this axle apart a few months ago (except stupid me didnt remove the pinion nut before breakdown :rolleyes:) and had it hot tanked. I wanted it sandblasted, but the machine shop owner smirked and said "naaah yo, that junx is too big for my blasting cabinet" .. okay except he didn't really say that cauz he's old and a really cool guy. ANyways *twirls blonde hair*, this is my plaannn:

- WMS-WMS this axle is just a bit over 69" wide so I'm going to cut the passenger's side down a few inches to match 'ye ol General Motors 14-bolt axle. So this is going to require custom axle shafts and I think I'm going to go Chromos and 35-spline outers off the bat from the most awesome guys at Complete Off Road.

- Drive flange or lockouts? They are about the same in price and its a dedicated trail rig so I'm leaning towards the drive flanges. Right now, the cheapest flanges I found are the Teraflexes at $180 for a pair. If anyone knows of a better deal, please let me know :D !!

- High-steer arms and a double-ended hydroponics goodness ("cylinder").

- Opposite-ended panhard bar! The idea is to mount the chassis end of the panhard on the passenger's side frame rail and the axle end on the driver's side. Doing so should allow a more simple and cleaner design since the axle-mount can be mounted on top of or near the differential housing, instead of a tower on the passenger's side (like in my current D44 setup). I also plan to boost the panhard as far up as possible to increase the roll center of the front suspension. Yeah the concept is a little strange but I'm hoping it'll work and won't have any issues (no drag-link to factor into the design). But if anyone knows of any problem running this config, please chime in!

- Detoit Locker for the carrier. I'm please with how the Detroit in the 14-bolt has performed so I figured I'd run the same in the front. Of course 5.13s to match the 14-bolt.

So here's the little guy, he's been in this position for the past few months just collecting dust:


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pfffff.... thats a lie.
you'll take your bike. from what i gather, that's your other thing that you do.
Ouuu someone has been paying attention .. maybe a little too much ... attention.



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Ouuu someone has been paying attention .. maybe a little too much ... attention.


Oh, Man............he just Pffffffffffff'd you. You going to let him get away with that???

Ouuu someone has been paying attention .. maybe a little too much ... attention.


Why aren't you dead yet??? Ben, I want my money back! You're fired!

Okay I've moved the car-PC related stuff to another thread so BKennedy doesnt throw me in jail. :)

So this thread will only be about fabrication. However, MegaSquirt stuff will stay here because thats what drives the engine and is essential where as the car-PC is almost an accessory. So yes there will still be some foreign language popping up every now and then but it should be minimal since the MegaSquirt ECU is pretty much finished (other than wiring and getting Tunix configured).

me tries to remember chinese then gives up.. I'll stick to korean.

IZwack, Sunday on as of?? ;)
On as Off!

Just out out of curiousity, is there any reason why one cant put the fuel pressure regulator near the fuel tank as opposed to beside the fuel rail?

Guess as long as you get consistent pressure at the fuel rail then you could put wherever you wanted to.

Or, you could go to a returnless ( 99 and up) fuel system and eliminate the regulator. It is part of the returnless fuel pump assembly-

Or, you could go to a returnless ( 99 and up) fuel system and eliminate the regulator. It is part of the returnless fuel pump assembly-
Thats pretty much what I'm planning to immitate - do all the pumping and pressure regulating near the fuel tank and have only one line going to the engine.

Something like this (ignore that the lines arent using the right port of the FPR image)


  • fpr.gif
    20.2 KB · Views: 456

umm Iz--about your regulator pic

top port is the adjuster thingy
side ports are rail returns and the bottom is the tank return-there should be small vaccum connector also

That looks like the one I use, except mine is red. I have the gauge mounted like that though.

On as Off!

Just out out of curiousity, is there any reason why one cant put the fuel pressure regulator near the fuel tank as opposed to beside the fuel rail?

If the FPR regulates pressure DOWN from what it is given to supply the fuel rails, and the FPR is placed way upstream there are significant frictional losses of pressure thru the line. If you take that into consideration and make the required adjustments to the pressure @ the rail rather than @ the FPR you should be ok. You get what I'm saying, right?

I guess what I am getting at is this-
you will need to run 2 rail returns, and a vacuum line back to the regulator--
Oh okay gotcha. The vacuum line should be no problem because MegaSquirt requires one vacuum line (MAP sensor), so I can probably just use a "T" off of that since the electronic stuff will be mounted not too far from the fuel tank.

jwrezz -- So in other words, compensate for any pressure loss in the lines.

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yup, yup. Like firetrucks. If you want 100lbs at the nozzle, the truck guage will read any where from 120-200 depending on the length and width of hose.
