Spring wheeling trip at SMORR | Page 16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spring wheeling trip at SMORR

Guys here is my cell number. This is just for incase ( 931-265-2036 )

Another question. Is there wifi at smorr?

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Sliders are finished. I thought I'd have em by 3;00, but I am an hour late. Time to crash a bit, then install them, pack and we are outta here--

Lets go wheeling !!!

Check your lists!
Bring a lawn chair!
Dont forget your favorite pillows!
Bring what you need to survive away from home for a couple of days!!

Dont forget the small things like silverware, napkins, plastic cups, etc....

See everyone out there!!


Ok guys its 835 im getting ready to walk out the door. Ill see you guys there.

Just got to cash a check and fill up with gas and im off

Man I wish I could be there just to meet everyone:(

If you all get bored you can brainstorm on my alternator eating Mountauneer and come up with a fix :D:p:

Have a great time and be safe! Sure wish I could be in two places at once:confused:

Man I wish I could be there just to meet everyone:(

If you all get bored you can brainstorm on my alternator eating Mountauneer and come up with a fix :D:p:

Better idea-
you pack up the Cougar, throw the wife in and come down to hang out for a while?

Wish i was leaving today, but I'm still at work :(
Will be heading out bright and early Sat morning at 6 am.

Well, heading out behind schedule as usual. I gotta get from Hatton to St. James to pick my wife up at 2:30. See y'all this afternoon!

FYI, my cell is 573-881-5727.


OK, as usual that took a bit longer than expected, but I have all the gear sorted and ready to load.Sliders are on!!!

Sheri made a walmart run--

We should be outta here within the hour or so.

I still need to hook up some lights, and the ignition wire to my cooling fans--but I will do this when we get there-

I feel like I'm watching American Hot rod with all this last minute drama going on:D

Jon, 1 hour is time to post pics :) LOL
Nice work!!

Now i wonder if the group is having such a good time they keep forgetting to post orrrrrr maybe there trying to kill each other? :p: :D

or maybe yet this little thing called wireless broadband has not made it to the midwest yet :dunno:

we are having so much fun forgot to post up!I am the only one with wifi out here, bad bad or no recption. have a boat load of pics and video will post up when recption is better

so how many times has jon broke something on his rig? :D

you guys need smartfones.

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i had a great time up until about 12:00 when i threw my front drive shaft out of the x-case and after putting it back in, i got half way up the road and it did the same thing again and started back in the splines and broke the out put shaft on the x- case, plugged it with a sock and drove home. but this was the de-bugging party for the ranger. :( :(
