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Stic-o's Rear Bumper 2.0

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Mine are pretty heavy too, these WE wheels are just as heavy as steelies.

I like the idea of a bumper with lights, and everything integrated into the sheet metal. I think that would be sweet. LED's behind half inch plexi would be super bulletproof.

How far are you on this? I have an idea for the tail guards.
Take out any of the X's or lines of the x's you want, but I think it looks good and would be pretty sturdy.

Dave, I'll have my spare too. I'm guessing my 36 SXs are about the same size as the 37 BFG km2.

Steve, did you come up with any other ideas for the side bars yet?

I'm just worried about getting the main bumper done first. We cracked out that piece in about a 20 mins;) I'm trying to keep it simple. once I get the main part done, I'll work on the side bars. It's going to get real crazy around here in the next week. Baby is coming by next Monday for sure. Plus I'm changing jobs again. So I'm sort of on vacation right now:rolleyes:

Plus I got to some maintnace on the volvo, because it looks like it going to be my comuter car now.

got the main part of the bumper done today. it's held on by 6) 1/2 bolts on the original frame bumper mounts. (2each side and one from the bottom) and then 4) 7/16" bolts on the side braces that use 2 other factory holes in the frame. weights about 90lbs. Total cost of bumper is about $125:D





Still left to do is install tow hooks, like the ones from the front bumper, and may put a reciver in the middle.

I would think you might want to re-enforce the mounts to the frame? They look kinda thin ish.. ??

What about putting more mounts in the back? (is there room?) Make it more collision resistant? lol

Just my opinion n whatnot, constructive criticism. I still think it looks nice either way. It has a good professional look.
Nice job.

I actually wish you could make me one.. =) along with a custom front bumper.. =P

What about putting more mounts in the back? (is there room?) Make it more collision resistant? lol

If it gets any more colision resistant he will need to renforce the frame at the center hump and the dogleg so the chassis dosn't bend. But some diagnal supports from the center and outside to the frame might not be a bad idea.

The bumper is shaping up nicly Stic-o I cant wait for more pics. (By the way I bought a metal cutting saw yesterday, I cant wait to use it.) It is not HF brand but I think it may be manufactured by the same company as they are identical except for color. Also the HF web site says they are discontenued but when i went to the HF store yesterday afternoon it is still offered at the store. They are much heavier than a normal circular saw but it seams to run quieter.

the supports to the frame are plenty strong enough! They are 1 1/2" Box 3/16" thick. The only reason I put them there is because of, side stregnth. Rebember, the frame is only made of 1/8" steel:rolleyes:

Stic-o, I just wanna say that I love your truck. Jurassic Park has always been one of my favorite movies and I've always had a desire to paint my Explorer with that theme. Amesome looking rig you have! :thumbsup:

EDIT: Whoops, I guess this comment would have more appropriate for the Jurassic Park Explorer thread. Didn't notice that one until I posted here.

Looking good Steve!

The side supports are going to be more than fine. Mine were cut off because it came off of Chris's truck with a 3" body lift. I never put them back on and have had no problems. Plus, I've never come close to hitting them on anything.

well I seem to like to bash my rear quarter panels.:p:

I thought the rear 1/4's were there to help push off trees and rocks on tight turns.

got the main part of the bumper done today.


Still left to do is install tow hooks, like the ones from the front bumper, and may put a reciver in the middle.

Steve, have you added your tow hooks or tail light guards to your rear bumper yet? It looks great from the photos you've got up, curious if you've completed the project yet; if so, I'd love to see some pics of the finished product!

Havn't had time to touch it. Tow hooks should go in next weekend. Tail light guards will not get done till Fall I'm guessing:rolleyes: I need to bend some tube up first. Have the tube, just no bender:(

i want to see what you do for the tail light guards,,, i need to steal an idea that i know looks good. so get goin. (i <3 your truck btw)

my rear bumper looks like this until you come up with some sweet ass tail light guard designs. :D

i was looking into that zj design with the plate coming up from the bumper and the tubes coming off that and its going to be tight if you want to avoid hanging up on the tailgate and not cover the lights too much. were you thinking like 1/2" tube or something? plus our tailights are a little bit higher and i'm trying to cover up my body lift.... so i have 2 more inches to try and cover than you do.


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My plan is 3/16" flat plate running up the out sides of the lift gate and 1 1/2" tube for the bars. yes it will block some of the lights, but they are big enough, it should be fine;)
