Tbars Project "X" begins | Page 22 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tbars Project "X" begins

First and foremost my ranger is my favorite truck...I will not let any of you fools try to talk me into changing my new project into some rock beast, lmao...this rig is just to go camping and fishing in and thats it...it took all the money i had to buy and the seller was great and is a new member here....thanks rick, the seller that is...

I have never as much sat in an explorer and today was the first time i opened a door on one...

It needs alot of tlc and a new 4.0 motor as the current one is seized...It needs a bit of paint work as the clear coat is shot and the front fenders are a different color....

1) Kbabiak, you need to make some pre-made shipping tags with my name on them as I will be needed a bunch of little parts...
2) Admin Rick, I sent my new membership dues in at 8am this morning as i was hoping to be a new X owner...
3)All elite members, I am going to need alot of help and parts for my new to me, 91 XLT

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....i have started in my free time to start painting th Project X...the red fenders are now gone so i started playing with ideas that can be found in the link, in the above thread ...
...here are a couple pics of the bottom black trim paint...the first is from last night and the second is from today, note the top of the black was moved up at froaders request...what do you think...:scratch:



Looks a lot better! I think all you need to do now is black out the b pillars, d pillars, and the black plastic on the bumpers and quarter panels.

...the last thing i am doing is the trim...there is alot of prep work to do on the body just to receive paint...;)
...this is still a trail rig, not a mall crawler...:D

Hell of a Day...

:thumbsup:Thanks Stic-o Big time

...well, let's not talk about what happened at work today but, after a 5 1/2hr drive, 150mi. round trip, this is what i got to show for it...:D


mmmm... pretty

oh, in post #423, i like the first pic

...and with the help of my friends...;)

....woohoo, four matching tires again....i was so stoked i took it out and pressure washed it...:D
...btw, the f250 in the background is still for sale if you know anyone...;)


I like how there's no maroon anywhere in the picture anymore :D

...i know how much you personally loved my red fenders but i can't promise it will stay that way, depending on how scratched up the fenders get...:p:

...it was either this or glass and cleghorn and 2n17x put the axe on the glass idea...;)

Nice so when are going out ridin'? :D

...thurday, all day, r u coming???

I posted something of a response in the T-haven thread but i am trying!

Man the Holidays are gonna be hard this year....:(:(:(

...i hear ya....thats why im spray painting the X and th will be my big hoopla for awhile as my work stops after christmas and i have to work twice as hard to get work...i am expecting the worst for this next 6 months as far as work...:(

...cyber, i was at my buddy's jy today looking for a spindle nut set and your brake line 90...sorry, no luck on either...i will be talking to another buddy tomorrow night about new brakelines for ya, and where to get them...

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...he needs the front brake line 90 degree elbow and both front extended brake lines...he pulled a shock thru and popped his drivers side coil...
