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Tbars Project "X" begins

First and foremost my ranger is my favorite truck...I will not let any of you fools try to talk me into changing my new project into some rock beast, lmao...this rig is just to go camping and fishing in and thats it...it took all the money i had to buy and the seller was great and is a new member here....thanks rick, the seller that is...

I have never as much sat in an explorer and today was the first time i opened a door on one...

It needs alot of tlc and a new 4.0 motor as the current one is seized...It needs a bit of paint work as the clear coat is shot and the front fenders are a different color....

1) Kbabiak, you need to make some pre-made shipping tags with my name on them as I will be needed a bunch of little parts...
2) Admin Rick, I sent my new membership dues in at 8am this morning as i was hoping to be a new X owner...
3)All elite members, I am going to need alot of help and parts for my new to me, 91 XLT

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Wow, i've gotten so accustomed to the way it was it looks like a totally different truck now. The painted lights look right at home now.

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...now if the rest of the truck could cleanup as good as the fenders, i would be happy...:D

BOOOO LOL so you went and finally done did it :biggthump

Looks good now get back to work on the rest of the truck!;)

...thats all the modding i believe i'm doing till th for turkey weekend...i will be at glamis for turkey night at least then head over to th...:D

...thanks burns, now if i could just find a sas that would just bolt up, i would be set...;)

...before i forget, this was my formula for the color...;)

.....i used the fenders to make a somewhat custom color out of spray cans...i painted aluminum paint first (and it looked *****en), so i had a bright base that would cover the red, then i used a truck grey metalic over it...i sampled just the grey over the red and it was dark, dark grey...
...now i wish i could do the rest in a day but the failing paint on the rest of the truck is going to take some work...:D

Digging that new color TED!

...i had a feeling you would chime in, lol...i was thinking of you when i painted it and was wondering if you would approve senator...:thumbsup:
...but it's going to be awhile before she's done...:D

...i had a feeling you would chime in, lol...i was thinking of you when i painted it and was wondering if you would approve senator...:thumbsup:
Next time I make it out there, I'll be sure to sign your new fenders as an indication of my approval :D


(Barack Obama)

...cool, and i hope it's soon...i could use a signature of approval...:D

...i do have to admit colin was my inspiration to get them done since i seen he was painting his new bicycle...:p:

...cool, and i hope it's soon...i could use a signature of approval...:D

...i do have to admit colin was my inspiration to get them done since i seen he was painting his new bicycle...:p:
Yeah that bike is trick -- might have to do a 5-finger discount next time I'm in his neighborhood :D

...or you could trade him for some presidential lumpia...:D

You know I kicked myself when I finally arrived at T-haven last time and totally forgot to bring a batch of lumpia.

...you and your brother showing up was better than lumpia, and i like lumpia...:D

Ahaha thanks.

Well it is deffinately looking BETTER TED. :D Now I need to get my 35's and I can be just like you ;) hehe.:p:

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...you painting your new bicycle was my inspiration, that, and i found ultra flat black...:p:
