THE OFFICIAL EXPLORER ROLLOVER CLUB. Post stories and pics inside!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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THE OFFICIAL EXPLORER ROLLOVER CLUB. Post stories and pics inside!!!

Ok well i just saw that yet another person has rolled their explorer. Well i am not going to get into this vehicles safety. Because all i got to say to that comment is I came out of a crash that most would have died from if they had been in any other vehicle. So good for the X i think.


Well i was driving to Florida to visit a female friend :D ;) :D , and was on U.S. 19 heade south when after a little rain storm my left rear tire blew out and shredded. Between that and the rain it sent me out of control and spun me to the right. Well the rim that the tire used to be on dug into the pavement and caused me to flip. (This is where i dont remember from) Then from the police report they said that i continued to flip about 3 or so times. And then did aother 180 and then went into the treeline about 75 feet taking out some trees along the way. They told me that i pulled myself out of the truck but i cannot see how i did it. Anyways someone found me along the edge of the highway and took me to the nearest gas station where the ambulance was called. First thing i remember is them rolling me into the hospital. "the last thing i remember of the crash was the truck tipping over for the first time and my head getting nearer and nearer to the pavement. It all happened really really quick. But anyways. I came out with a broken collar bone. Messed up shoulders and some deep cuts on my hands. But i consider myself really reallt fortunate to have survived the crash let alone not get severly maimed in the process by all the glas and tree branches flying every which way.***

Well here are some pictures. Others feel free to post your full stories and picture too.


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    explorer crash 001.jpg
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Here is another pic from the back.


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    explorer crash 026.jpg
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Here is a shot of the rim and tire that blew.


  • explorer crash 018.jpg
    explorer crash 018.jpg
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WOW...glad ur ok

that would be scarry to feel and see you X start rollin, especially when you can see the pavement get closer! man

so the X in ur avatar got totalled? look like you spent alot of dough on that!

and it looks like ur X survived that roll pretty good!

edit: OH sorry for posting..i dont think i was supposed to cause this thread is only for pics and stories?!!??!! and i realized those photos of ur X are from 2000...sorry

Glad to see that your okay man, i wish we could say the same for your X. May your X have my regards.

Actually that date is wrong. The crash happened July 15th of this year. The cameras calendar wasnt set. lol.

OMG If you had been driving a car instead of an Explorer, you may not have come out of that accident so lucky. Too bad about the truck though :(

I guess my wife qualifies as a member of the Rollover Posse. Here's a shot of my '92 X after my wife rolled it in January '01. She was driving down a snow covered 2 lane highway at about 40 mph in 4wd when a J**p pulled out in front of her. She hit the brakes to avoid him and started to slide around. To avoid hitting him, she went to his left into oncoming traffic. Seeing 2 tractor trailers coming at her, she put it in the ditch on the opposite side of the road and flipped it. Fortunately both she and my daughter walked away from the accident.

There are quite a few trucks on this board that now have donor components from my old '92 :D




I'm sure everyone knows my story. They should....its why I'm the Whoops Moderator!!!:D


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heres one from back in the day...


OH my god that would have been a long way down! I woulda been freaked out by that one

Originally posted by Derrick C.
I'm sure everyone knows my story. They should....its why I'm the Whoops Moderator!!!:D

Naaah that wasnt a long way down. Derrick was just hillclimbing with the X and actually reached the top!!!;)

Everything new on the driver side. I wish I would've got a pic of the damage but I didn't even think about it.

Yeah thats it......I climbed up not rolled it from the top.:D

Thats just flat out scary, one more roll and holy smokes, i got the goose bumps thinkin about it. At any rate, i am pretty new to this site and i dont know your story. :D But apparently it had a happy ending ;)

First day out with the new coil over suspension and I wanted to see how far off-camber I could go. You can see the results here;)



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Looks like it did pretty good, thats almost a 90 degree angle there :p
