This one will give Derrick a run for his money | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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This one will give Derrick a run for his money

Pulled this of the Mach 1 board. Talk about pucker factor!!!!!:eek:




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He should play the lotery:D


Holy crap, that would have been quite a drop.

Unbelievable luck he had.

^^ that sux,! glad u/they made it out safe!

shew i would have not just puckered up i would have let loose lol

Oh, yeah... both of those were a pucker factor of 14.5 on a 10-scale!!

WOW! Lucky SOB in that first one... what's the story behind it?


Is the damage to the guard rail the same accident? If so, how did he get over there?

Is the damage to the guard rail the same accident? If so, how did he get over there?

I would think so, it looks like he hit the concrete wall and launched knocking some of those wood braces over before landing on the other side of that drain.

I don't know the story behind it, or how the truck came to rest there. It was up on the Mach boards without a story.

Looks like other vehicles down in the bottom of that hole.:eek:

wow thats crazy

Talk about good Kharma!

What's the story behind Derrick's picture?


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wow!! seems to be a common

that is one lucky person!!
