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Trolls Truck

i know it is not my truck but he is my brother so i will post his stuff here to show off for him. sorry about the big img's ok.

this is a old exterior picture.

this is his new intake that run awsome.
these are his new brakes that make him stop as fast as he accelerates.

these are his new traction bars as traction is a problem for him.

these are his gauges to make shure every thing is running good.

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Wow, super clean. Big thumbs up.

I wish my engine bay was that clean. :(

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How about this hood. Call the maker and talk them into making one for the 95-01 X. Regards,

I know this is an old thread but, do they make anything for 3rd gens.? I have an 05 XLT 2wd 4dr 4.0L V6 SOHC


I need these brakes!!!

Can you get some more? How much you want for them? Hopefully not the $6,500 I was quoted...

Been talkin about you in this thread.

Me too. Would be nice if the pics still worked...

I never heard anything from him on the brakes either, is he still out there?

:edit: doesn't work ATM either...

I used to have his videos saved to my pc, but over the years have lost them. I wish i could find the video where he ran a 11.37 just after a man in the stands was heard saying "what's he out here for?".

If anyone has these old videos, please let us know.

I have them on my desktop. I can post them in the AM.

I have it too, but darned if I know how to post the thing. Sorry! Maybe if we make enough noise in this thread, someone who knows Troll will let us in on the latest news?

id be damned just joined and already found a tst member
