Truck Haven March 17-19 2023 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven March 17-19 2023

We could always push this out if that works better for everyone. I already have the time off, but, I've got plenty to do...LoL.

I am good with this. It's much nicer when it's not so cold at night too.

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I am good with this. It's much nicer when it's not so cold at night too.
I’d be up to go at a different date and when it’s not as cold also.

and if it continues to rain in the area.. Wildflowers! Nothing crazier to see than the wildflowers at Truckhaven..

Gives me more time to work on the Explorer.

Just got these to upgrade the 15 year old Fox's.


Gives me more time to work on the Explorer.

Just got these to upgrade the 15 year old Fox's.

View attachment 437767

My coilovers are 22 years old now and can't be taken apart to be rebuilt. To make matters worse the size I have is not longer available. :banghead:

My coilovers are 22 years old now and can't be taken apart to be rebuilt. To make matters worse the size I have is not longer available. :banghead:

Time for a upgrade 😁

I can rebuild my old Fox's, but I can get new ones cheap from work and upgrade to add the Resi, so why not...🤷

Then I can sell my old shocks

My coilovers are 22 years old now and can't be taken apart to be rebuilt. To make matters worse the size I have is not longer available. :banghead:

Time for a upgrade 😁

I can rebuild my old Fox's, but I can get new ones cheap from work and upgrade to add the Resi, so why not...🤷

Then I can sell my old shocks
Maybe something can be done about those 22 year old coil overs, I think we know a guy in the business.....;)

Not sure if anyone will be out in ocotillo/TruckHaven for this.

I am good with this. It's much nicer when it's not so cold at night too.
I think it's gonna be Mud Haven or Wishy-Washedout on MLK weekend, giver the current Atmospheric River / Bomb Cyclone we're experiencing right now. WE're open to Feb or March. Warmer is good on these old bones.

Weather forecast is ugly for California.. and my experiences on I-5/205/210/10 and the passes when the weather sucks says, don't go.. so I'm a no-go because of that, and the forecast for Anza Borrego area shows possiblity of rain Saturday and Sunday, along with high winds.

I hadn't kept up on that event. I don't think it used to be on MLK weekend. Is it the same event that used to be in March?
You might be thinking of TDS, was always the first weekend in March.

I hadn't kept up on that event. I don't think it used to be on MLK weekend. Is it the same event that used to be in March?
TDS is in March, the corva event has always been in January. Used to be in TruckHaven side until they had to move it to the ocotillo side

Well sure glad we didn't go. It's pouring down there. 🌧️
even up here evrrything washed out. gorman is clsoed, drove by drinkwater flats it used to be bad to get up now its horrible and closed as was all those offshots off of san franquiscito cyn

Its been raining here in San Diego since Saturday. Poured all night last night, and it is showing no signs of letting up. Truckhaven needs a few days to dry out after a good rain or it's a mud pit. I do not like mud.

Yeah I'm hoping we can dry out now. I have KOH coming up, and don't feel like driving the RV out there, until it has dried up. At least the dust should be way down this year. Last year was horrible.

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