How to: - Updated FORScan sheet for 2020+ Ford Explorer (All Trims) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Updated FORScan sheet for 2020+ Ford Explorer (All Trims)

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Elite Explorer
May 16, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Alberta, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
2024 Ford Explorer ST
Below is the link to the updated FORScan changes that is currently available for our 2020+ Ford Explorer and applies to all trims for those who don't have an ST. This one is for us, which helps compile all into one.

Keep in mind that the sheet will be updated by @powerboatr and @Nightshade (myself). If you're interested in something that isn't on the sheet yet, just reach out to either of us or comment on this thread.


--DISCLAIMER; for those asking me regarding the turn signals to change from 3-clicks to let's say 5-clicks, it won't be possible. I looked into this myself and the issue is that the signal stalk on the 2020+ Explorers are using a slightly older stalk so issue isn't just software, but also hardware. So in saying this, changing the turn signals in FORScan will not be possible for the 2020+ Explorers for the unforeseeable future.

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Thank you for the updated list.:chug:

Would some or any of that info apply to the Aviator?


Would some or any of that info apply to the Aviator?


They should, most of the changes and modules are the same. For instance, the power fold mirrors for ford, you can do a Lincoln style too 😉

As always, make backups of the modules before making any changes!

Is it possible to change the security system from passive to active? My Chevy arms after the last door is closed after a set duration. For only does it if you remote unlock the doors but never open a door, it will self arm or lock.

Been searching every where for this but cannot fin a mod for that. Anyone know why Ford chose to go that route?

Is it possible to change the security system from passive to active? My Chevy arms after the last door is closed after a set duration. For only does it if you remote unlock the doors but never open a door, it will self arm or lock.

Been searching every where for this but cannot fin a mod for that. Anyone know why Ford chose to go that route?

So far only the 2024 F-150s and the lightnings have this option. It hasn’t been rolled out to the explorers yet. It can’t be done as it’s BCM based, you’d have to change the entire BCM. Your best option is to enable auto lock, which at times does lock itself at the set duration if you unlock your vehicle but don’t open it.

Why ford did that, I don’t know. But I do know they do have it for their luxury line up, the Lincolns.
