Will Ford ever make a Ranger Crew Cab? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will Ford ever make a Ranger Crew Cab?


Well-Known Member
June 1, 2006
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Greenville, NC
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'95 XLT
Fords a little behind in the midsize truck market...with one exception the Sport Trac...but, I want to see a crew cab Ranger...that would be hella sick...Toyota makes the tacoma 4dr crew...Dodge 4dr Crew dakota...Chevrolet...4dr Crew S-10's ....Nissan Frontier 4dr Crew Cab...was Ford asleep when they made all these trucks?? ....Ok I'll quit my ranting now over the last year or so I can honestly say extended cab trucks do nothing for my taste...I like crew cabs better they look more manly and make the truck feel out better and just look better over all IMO...Whats wrong with you Ranger design guy ? only single and extended cab wtf lol...he must have been napping over the last ten years...I have a feeling a Ranger crew cab would have been a huge success...if only I could work for one of these car companies in the Design corp ...cause I know what people like and what sales...anyway just curious as too how many of you thought about what this certain kinda truck would have looked like :) lets here it

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They've been around for a few years, just about everywhere but the U.S.


BS that is not real...i've never seen one nor does my dealer have one

Ya they are around. It would be pretty cool it they sold them in the U.S. There are a few people out there that have them in the U.S. but they are usually used and cost alot more. They are mainly found in Finland I think. I could be wrong.

well i guess i'd just get either a sport trac or a tacoma crew cab very sad on fords part crew cab's look so much better IMO

They've been around for a few years, just about everywhere but the U.S.


BS that is not real...i've never seen one nor does my dealer have one

What part of everywhere but in the us is hard to understand.

I think the reason ford won't come out with one now is that they already have the sport trac, which is already taking that place. I guess they could always just rebadge it as a ranger since thats all it is anyway

Doubt you'll ever see one stateside, considering it's never been here (have we all grasped that concept yet? :D) and the Ranger is on it's last legs according to some.

First of all they would have to keep making the Ranger. Production stops in the next year. Which has been extended by 6 months already. And with Ranger sales up 3 months in a row:thumbsup: maybe Ford will re-think things.:rolleyes:

When Sport Trac came about just as everyone else was getting into the 4 door mini truck market. It was desided that they would build a 4 door off the explorer plateform as the Explorer out sold the ranger by about 3x.

Interesting fact though... Did you know the big 3 had this weird agreement about 4 door full size trucks. They each had a exclusivity of sorts till the late 90's

Dodge could not build a 4 door full size truck (only Ford and Chevy, but yes there use to be 4 door dodges, 60's &70's)

Ford or Dodge could not build a 4 door full size SUV (no Burban killers)

and I don't know what chevy got out of the deal:scratch:

Probably a lack of competition for the Vette.

you mite be somwhat right... that's why the Viper didn't come out until the 90's and the GT40 resently

Ford didn't even have a decent performing Mustang until 93 and the Cobra.

BS that is not real...i've never seen one nor does my dealer have one

Oh, yeah, it must be fake.... We'll just pretend I didn't see 20 of them in various trim levels over at the R&E complex in Dearborn... They sell them all over the world, and they get beefier components than the US versions.

Although US Ranger production is currently slated to end sometime next year (sooner or later depending on the source), non-US Ranger sales are quite healthy and have been for quite some time. US Ranger sales have lagged for more than a decade, which is why there hasn't been a significant redesign for it in 15 years. There's nothing in the pipeline for a new Ranger or even a redesigned one, so I think you'd better get one while you can...


that is such crap any vehicle overseas anywhere is always better than the US version...our vehicles are cheaply made doesn't matter which brand...hell most newer VW's are made in mexico lol

Oh, yeah, it must be fake.... We'll just pretend I didn't see 20 of them in various trim levels over at the R&E complex in Dearborn... They sell them all over the world, and they get beefier components than the US versions.

Although US Ranger production is currently slated to end sometime next year (sooner or later depending on the source), non-US Ranger sales are quite healthy and have been for quite some time. US Ranger sales have lagged for more than a decade, which is why there hasn't been a significant redesign for it in 15 years. There's nothing in the pipeline for a new Ranger or even a redesigned one, so I think you'd better get one while you can...


Beefier parts indeed! They had them in iraq and kuwait i even drove one with a little commonrail in it that we confiscated from some suspect terriorists. I see at least 2 after i leave my base here in grafenwoer germany on farms just with out the snorkle. Dont know why he would think we are lying.

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because you don't get much call for a crew cab ranger in north carolina and the rest of the southeast US lol thats why i've never seen and didn't believe until i saw pics
