Yes!! Soon to tune!!!! | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Yes!! Soon to tune!!!!

Teaser pics of the new toys I have been getting from James

Lightning maf--and wideband commander--yeah baby!

Look at the diameter of the front and rear of maf housing.

now that is sure to suck, in a good way!!


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    maf rear diemeter.jpg
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I bet JTSmiths Laptop flew back and shattered the back window when he floored it?

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You want facts-here's some facts-

look at this snapshot-and the engine RPM's

She screams!!! :D


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oh my? wow....that's all I can

I can't believe you're tuning that engine that fast. you have some wavo's.

I must confess, the data is nothing but fudge.

The spikes are a corrupted ground. In other words, a snag.

I think if the engine had spun that high there would be a new custom drain hole in the oil pan.

When we get done, Jon or I will start a thread completely highlighting the tuning from front to rear. Problems,etc....

And some snag it was:D That's why we all like you so much, you take great care of all of your customers:salute:

Thanks I try to take care of everyone to the best of my ability and limited time.

What kind of motorcycle engine is that?

What kind of motorcycle engine is that?

It almost looks that way-but it is indeed data from my truck.

No runs today. The streets are covered in ice that looks like rock salt.

It almost looks that way-but it is indeed data from my truck.

No runs today. The streets are covered in ice that looks like rock salt.

Take advantage of the ice and use it like a dyno. Just hold the brake and let-r rip. I'm sure you're wife doesn't mind you going 150 MPH sitting still in the drive way?

Take advantage of the ice and use it like a dyno. Just hold the brake and let-r rip. I'm sure you're wife doesn't mind you going 150 MPH sitting still in the drive way?

lol, that might work for about 2 seconds before all the ice would be gone and he would be going on a trip through his neighbors house:roll:

lol, that might work for about 2 seconds before all the ice would be gone and he would be going on a trip through his neighbors house:roll:

LoL my buddy took his camaro out of storage to drive it around last week when it was icy but it needed to be driven. he did fine till he got up by his house and decided to give it some gas ( the car is like a rocket tons of horses from the supercharged 383) and ended up running over 3 of his neighbors garbage cans and over the snowman in thier yard haha :eek: :D :thumbsup:

LoL my buddy took his camaro out of storage to drive it around last week when it was icy but it needed to be driven. he did fine till he got up by his house and decided to give it some gas ( the car is like a rocket tons of horses from the supercharged 383) and ended up running over 3 of his neighbors garbage cans and over the snowman in thier yard haha :eek: :D :thumbsup:

lol, I did that in my mounty a month ago, even with the awd it still doesn't take much to break all the tires loose, I can't imagine how bad it must be for Jon with only 2wd. :eek: But this thread is getting off topic, let's get back to getting teased with fake info about Jon's tuning.

My TwEECer works awesome but it never let me rev that high :bsnicker:, maybe 5200 max with a 2.5" pulley :D. Dang Mustang software :p:

Well, this thing is running real good so far.
I ended up enlarging the TPS mounting holes to achieve .90v at idle position. It has a better idle now-around 850rpm's with good vacuum ~ 14-15 hg. Not bad for this camshaft eh?

So, today I sit with a brand new tune file to try.
This weather just is not cooperating with the important things-


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Jon has a new tune to try and mother nature tells him no-go! As seen by the last logs you sent me traction is a problem in the dry. We are about to wrap this up, had a snag with the wideband once the unit is replaced we will be ready to do the final wot pulls.-j

Jon has a new tune to try and mother nature tells him no-go! As seen by the last logs you sent me traction is a problem in the dry. We are about to wrap this up, had a snag with the wideband once the unit is replaced we will be ready to do the final wot pulls.-j

WOT pulls? jon has Wide open throttle now? :eek: Amazing haha

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All I'm going to say now is spinning tires used to be fun. Now it's a major nuisance.

I'm beginning to want the AWD back.

I think I may go on the hunt for a transfer case and driveshafts.

Besides-I don't think my 4406 is happy right now for some reason. I'm getting a

woop woop woop ( with a metallic tone) at highway speed.
