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DB_1 joins the tow rig club

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Thanks...work has slowed down for the time being so i'm available.

I just searched within 250 miles of my house. These things are hard to find! Lots of 2011 and 2012... and then 2006 and older. No one wants to get rid of these ones. You may have to go with custom bling 22" wheels. :p:

Continued from Colin's F-150 thread...

there's 2 styles available in 17's from 2007.5-2010, 2011 they changed bolt patterns.

Here's what i'm looking for:


I didn't know that...huh I'll keep a eye out;)

There's a place in SoCal that has them as well but they want almost $200 a wheel. I may see if they'd want to do a trade but i'd have to buy them outright first since I need the TPMS sensors off my current wheels.

If I was smart and patient I could've bought them a wheel at a time when they came up on Ebay at around $100 a wheel.

Too bad that first guy isn't closer, pretty good deal with the tires:mad:

That is the style I have now which are 16's..this is the other style:


EDIT: I just realized that Santa Ana CL was WITH tires, I just might hit him up.

So the guy from the Santa Ana CL post called me back and the wheels and tires will be mine for $900. It's a fair price and it saves me the headache of dismounting my current tires for the sensors. Going to pick them up this weekend:D

The guy says the tires are 265's so they should look more in proportion to the truck than the pizza cutters on there now. Apparently these wheels seem to come only on 4x4 models, when they guy mentioned the tire size and that they came off a 4x4 it made sense.

Nice Dave:thumbsup: You can also sell your current wheels and pay for part of the new ones:thumbsup:

Picked up the wheels and tires yesterday and everything went smooth. Hit a little rain through Banning then a blinding sandstorm through Palm Springs. Visibility was down to one car length at one point.

I know stock wheels aren't very exciting but these make a world of difference to me. Fills in the wheelwells better now and at least it looks normal. The truck seemed to overpower the little tires that were on there before. Only thing left i'd like to do is find a smaller center cap for these wheels.

Here's a couple pics of them mounted:


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wow, makes the truck look a lot more heavy duty :thumbsup:

Thanks guys, I was worried if the tires would rub on the front but it looks to be ok. I turned them full lock and it just clears the rearmost part of the fender liner. I'll keep an eye on it but it's not a big deal if I have to trim a few inches off.

Well, got in an accident today:mad:
I was making a right hand turn at an intersection where there are 2 lanes to make a turn. I was in the outside lane and an older lady in a newer Toyota Camry was about a half a car length behind me. We had the green light going into the turn so I proceeded and at the apex of the turn...wham!

Best I can gather was she took her turn wide but of course her story is the complete opposite of mine. Honestly, since I was half a car length ahead of her she's in my blind spot with my truck sitting higher than her Camry.

All I know is I was in my lane making my turn, no excessive speeds or anything so it's up to the insurance co.'s to hash out. I have the fun of getting estimates next week:rolleyes:


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Time for sliders:D
