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chop top 1 ton ex.

Was thinkin' something else....

Oh I'm thoroughly diggin the ammo can for a console (if that's it's intended place). :)

Great build. Love it that you kept (noticed in later pics) the rear wiper. When I first noticed the title of the thread, I was thinking lowered roof type of cut.

Good job on this, and I wasn't the first to notice - cool ammo can for the console.

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Great build. Love it that you kept (noticed in later pics) the rear wiper. When I first noticed the title of the thread, I was thinking lowered roof type of cut.

Good job on this, and I wasn't the first to notice - cool ammo can for the console.

thanks man, i would have been in trouble with the wife if it didnt get sealed back up :p:

i have some plans to put a few extra's into the center console if i can make it work right.

i bought a detroit electrac last night for the front 60, got it for a price i couldnt refuse so i figured id give it a try.

basically its a true-trac gear driven LS but at the flick of a switch it goes full spool. i think it should work good.

came home to this.

so i decided to do this.





:cool: The pipe bender is run for the rest of the adventure that I see :thumbsup: ;)


yep going to be alot of tubing to bend on this build.

didnt get anything done tonight, another day working in 118 heat index so i was dead by the time i got home.


another day working in 118 heat index....

118??!! :( Holy crap! All my friends from the east coast think that living in California it's hot. Yeah... I'm just outside Oakland. Today it got warm - about 80ish. Last week was a real fluke. The high was 69 and the low was 55 (according to Yeah, it was mild, but way too chilly.

yep going to be alot of tubing to bend on this build.

didnt get anything done tonight, another day working in 118 heat index so i was dead by the time i got home.

Maybe you can explain the difference in temperature and your number.
Here in FRANCE it's not the same Please 33° YESTERDAY here , THANK


heat index is a claculation of the tempature and the humidity. here in ky and alot of surrounding states the humidity is always crazy high.

so yesterday the real tempature was 98 but with the humidity so high it actually felt like 118.

if that didnt make any sense.....

Maybe you can explain the difference in temperature and your number.
Here in FRANCE it's not the same Please 33° YESTERDAY here , THANK


Here in the states we use Fahrenheit, and over in Europe you guys use Celsius. There is a big difference in the numbers used.

Yea that's true, didn't think about that.

Let me put it this way, I'll take 110 degree's and no humidity anyway over 90 degrees and 90% humidity. It's just sucks the life out of you when after 5 minutes of working your soaked head to toe. I drank 7 20oz waters yesterday and didn't pee until 9pm last night lol

:thumbsup: Thank for your explanations


And we've (San Fran bay area) have negligible humidity. Love the weather, but miss the snow, and the people, and the realistic prices, and the two lane highways that aren't jam packed (vs the 6 lanes that are bumper to bumper).

was finally starting to get somewhere....then ran out of gas. oh well its finally starting to look like something.

ended up pinching the the side 2 inches, so 4 inches overall when the other side is done.






finally got my notcher setup on the drill press.

Maybe you can explain the difference in temperature and your number.
Here in FRANCE it's not the same Please 33° YESTERDAY here , THANK



Our temperature at 98 degrees F is your temperature of 36-37 degrees C.

Then we add in humidity which is how moist the air is. The weather people do a conversion to tell our bodies how hot it is or what our bodies thinks it is.

So for us to have a 98 but feels like 118 is your temperature difference of 36-37* C to 48-49* C.

Our humidity levels here in KY/TN was around 50-55% on the day in question.

Yea that's true, didn't think about that.

Let me put it this way, I'll take 110 degree's and no humidity anyway over 90 degrees and 90% humidity. It's just sucks the life out of you when after 5 minutes of working your soaked head to toe. I drank 7 20oz waters yesterday and didn't pee until 9pm last night lol

Yeah it sucks for sure. Fortunately I live close enough from work to home that I change my t-shirt at lunch time.

Don't you love it when it's still stifling at 9-10 at night?

growing up in Oklahoma I got used to the humidity, but the heat indexes aren't near as bad because the temperature is always higher.


Our temperature at 98 degrees F is your temperature of 36-37 degrees C.

Then we add in humidity which is how moist the air is. The weather people do a conversion to tell our bodies how hot it is or what our bodies thinks it is.

So for us to have a 98 but feels like 118 is your temperature difference of 36-37* C to 48-49* C.

Our humidity levels here in KY/TN was around 50-55% on the day in question.

;) Thank Mr Cribb
i understand your explanation.
here in france the humidity is not à very importance for me


Good work on the truggy Slo-vo. Now I see why you can't go wheel'in with me when I come up your way.

As far as the heat index goes. I think it's crap. I livin in MemphisTN. The humidity never goes below 80%. A couple weeks ago it hit 98% humidity and was 105*F.
Now they say that 95*+ humidity feels like 110*. But when i went to Phoenix, it stayed at or above 115* with like 10% humidity. It felt no where near as bad as the temps here. I'll take 110 in Phoenix over the South's 95* any day. They need to fix their math on the heat index thing. Should be 95* and 95% feels like 250* and your balls are going to be sticky and wrinkly.

I'll take 110 in Phoenix over the South's 95* any day. They need to fix their math on the heat index thing. Should be 95* and 95% feels like 250* and your balls are going to be sticky and wrinkly.

x alot with that thought...:frustrate

Good work on the truggy Slo-vo. Now I see why you can't go wheel'in with me when I come up your way.

As far as the heat index goes. I think it's crap. I livin in MemphisTN. The humidity never goes below 80%. A couple weeks ago it hit 98% humidity and was 105*F.
Now they say that 95*+ humidity feels like 110*. But when i went to Phoenix, it stayed at or above 115* with like 10% humidity. It felt no where near as bad as the temps here. I'll take 110 in Phoenix over the South's 95* any day. They need to fix their math on the heat index thing. Should be 95* and 95% feels like 250* and your balls are going to be sticky and wrinkly.

i wondered if you would find your way in here lol.

finally starting to look like something.









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Nice work!!!! Looking forward to progress ^_^
