My latest project: 1970 Dodge Dart 512 C.I. Bracket Racer | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My latest project: 1970 Dodge Dart 512 C.I. Bracket Racer

Some of you may remember that I used to have a 1972 Dodge Dart which I drag raced.


Well, I got the itch to get back into racing:burnout: Our new house is only 3 miles from the Speedworld racetrack and I can faintly hear them running the cars from our house. It was just too much for me to bare;) I haven't been doing much in the way of local fourwheeling, so I thought drag racing would give me something to do on the weekends.

A couple weeks ago I bought a 1970 Dodge Dart off of E-bay. The car was located in New Jersey, a mere 2500 miles from home:eek: I decided this was the right car for me mainly because I really needed to get out of the house on my own for a couple weeks and this was just the excuse I needed;)

The car is going to be stripped and repainted. It will get new quarter panels, at least one rocker, one floorpan, new door hinges, fiberglass hood, bumpers, and most likely trunk lid as well.

The new color will most likely be orange, but it just may end up being red, like my old one. Plans for it include a 650HP, 512 CI, big block Mopar and an automatic transmission. I'm just not sure if it will be from BB or SB or whether or not it will even be a Mopar:eek: I plan on ditching the torsion bar front suspension for an aftermarket K member which gives you rack and pinion steering, upgraded brakes, and the choice of coilover shocks or airbag suspension.

The rear end in the car right now is a trussed Mopar 8 3/4", with a three link suspension and coilovers.











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It does feel good to see it coming together. It had been nothing but a shell for so long I was getting discouraged... Still lot's of work ahead before :burnout:

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Did you install gaskets between the engine and the plate when you mocked it up? If not the engine placement will be a little off from where its at right now.

I'm using RTV without a gasket. It will be an ultra thin layer and shouldn't affect the fit much at all.


Ok im not exactly sure what is going on here with this plate? Will it be supporting the motor or will motor mounts be added? Just for set up?

I have never seen this

The plate supports the engine.


Is it just me or does this look a lot like the car from 2004s Punisher? I could be mistaken...........I probably am lol

No, I bought the plate from Mancini Racing.

Cage kit came in today:D

Just started playing around with it...




:D Somebody has been paying close attention to "PowerBlock" MuscleCar for sure! Lookin real good Rick Would love to be there for its first run!

Can't wait to see it finished!

:D Somebody has been paying close attention to "PowerBlock" MuscleCar for sure! Lookin real good Rick Would love to be there for its first run!

Can't wait to see it finished!

I liked Muscle Car TV when Lou Santiago was on there. He was great. Unfortunately the new crew is lame:thumbdwn:

First run is going to be a secret session;) I don't want anyone I know there while I get the bugs worked out of me and the car:D

I liked Muscle Car TV when Lou Santiago was on there. He was great. Unfortunately the new crew is lame:thumbdwn:
x2 -- Lou has so much character and knowledge.

I liked that Lou would show that it took three or four tries to get something just the way he wanted it. This is the 3rd version of the engine limiter I built... The first two just weren't going to cut it... Nothing fancy, but figuring the best place to put it where it won't interfere with other components which aren't on the car yet can be a challenge. It took two tries for the limiter on the other side. That was 2 days total for nothing, but a few small double shear brackets and threading some tubing.:rolleyes:


so is that reinforcement or a skid plate of sorts on the bottom of the K-member?


First run is going to be a secret session;) I don't want anyone I know there while I get the bugs worked out of me and the car:D

We'll wait for the speed camera video of the first run...Since you seem to have enough of 'em down there...:p:


so is that reinforcement or a skid plate of sorts on the bottom of the K-member?

It's a reinforcement. The K member is split down the center and the plate just helps tie it all together.

Every step is a little bit closer:D




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What are those for? I assume they provide additional structure/support for the unibody?
