SMORR MO 2010--July 16,17, & 18th | Page 27 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SMORR MO 2010--July 16,17, & 18th

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I will Gman

When you coming down? I will have it Friday and Sat night, you want both nights?

Sorry if you have already said and I missed it. I'm doing 120 mph today trying to square stuff up. The 95 A/C has decided to give me some grief and hopefully here in a couple hours I should have it fixed. :rolleyes:

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I will be there friday night and saturday will take them both. Im leaving KC friday afternoon.

Be there Saturday hopefully around midday. Things are getting packed. The new coilover should be here tomorrow.

I'm Ready!! :thumbsup:

Now to buzz down to Wichita to get Tiff's stuff squared away. She says she's packed and ready, but through experience I know that really means "I thought briefly about packing stuff, but I'll wait for you to get here and do it" :rolleyes: Leaving noon-ish Friday, shooting for a 5-6pm arrival at SMORR.

I am so ready to go.

A/C is back on and blowing around 40* Woot! Gave the 94 a charge as well, now both are chillin out.:cool:

Almost forgot to drill a hole in the rear bumper on the 94. After doing the body lift on it, the tire winch is covered up. But I got that sucker drilled out :D

Had 2 halogen bulbs go out on me this week and had to rip a rock light & an Off road light apart at the last minute.

Some fresh fluids for both, and I spilled a crap load of oil on the manifold in the process :rolleyes: I hate rushing things!

Gear is all packed. I have no idea why I need so much crap just to go camping. I swear some one would think I am going out in the Jungle for a month if they looked inside the rigs. LOL !

A quick stop for gas and Ice at Sams Club on my way out and thats it! Done! Finito! No Moss! I'm making like a baby......& heading out!

Oh yeah......I filled the propane tank! :p:

Looks like I wont be leaving till 5:30 Pm Friday, so I will be there a tad before dark, little later than I wanted but my buddy coming along cant get outta work till 5, so we will prolly stay later sunday.

Gives me time to add some additional lighting to ranger and do few things here at my house. If you all could have big pile of wood for friday night allready together that be great and I will get a load for saturday.

Gotta work til8 Friday night. Driving down straight from work. Gonna be at the park 10ish.Will have a cherokee on 38's and a comanchee on 39's following me down. Hope we can catch up with a hardcore night run.
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See you guys when you get there.

I am going to take the 94 on a mild night run Friday, but not too late as I need to rest up for Sat. That's gonna be a loooooooong day :)

Directions on 1st post

Confused on how to get here? Directions from every spot on the compass is on the 1st post.

Drive safe everybody!

Don't forget to gas up before you get here!

There is a Grocery store off of Main St (Price Cutter) in Seymour, if you forgot anything!

Good luck and Godspeed, everyone!

Hope to make it for the fall run...if there is one.

Ok I just got a huge surprise!
My Son Bryan has been in Afghanistan and is back for a leave! He was supposed to be hanging in Kuwait for a week but got a earlier flight in and will be at KCI airport today!!
Since my folks live in Kansas City area, they are going to pick him up, feed him some brauts, take him shopping for some civvies, and, hopefully I can hook up with them tonight. Now I want to get to SMORR very bad, so I can bring him along.
Sheri will be sitting this one out anyway.

Hittin' the road to SMORR in a few minutes. Gotta stop for ice, then its just the open road ahead....

Look for me around 5-6pm, depending on pit stops.

Ok I just got a huge surprise!
My Son Bryan has been in Afghanistan and is back for a leave! He was supposed to be hanging in Kuwait for a week but got a earlier flight in and will be at KCI airport today!!
Since my folks live in Kansas City area, they are going to pick him up, feed him some brauts, take him shopping for some civvies, and, hopefully I can hook up with them tonight. Now I want to get to SMORR very bad, so I can bring him along.
Sheri will be sitting this one out anyway.

That's Great, Jon!!! Will make the trip a hell of a lot better.:salute:

I called Sparksaflyin to make sure he had an air mattress inflator-and guess what? He was on the street, on his back in front of the bumper to bumper store fixing a brake line. He made it to Smorr but needs to bleed the brakes. Gmanpaint has his chateau all set up I guess. Mark said he almost fell in love with him it is so elaborate.

Ha ha

I'm not saying what, but if we can swing it I am going to do my beast to bring a surprise.

Leaving within 1 Hour :)

Looks like you guys are all ready to have some fun this weekend. If you all still want to use the SMORR photobucket album to upload pictures feel free. I may have to PM out the username and password again though.

Better get your Rest Gregg never know who is gonna knock on your door at 3am :p:

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Ok 911 time

Elessar65 has a 98 with sohc and trans will not shift from 2 to 3, rather it feels like it goes to neutral. He was heading home when this happened so gmanpaint called me. I know little of issues with this trans. Is there hope to get them home?

I think elesar65 is about 8 hours from home now. My house is on the way, but should they even leave, or get a motel and take the truck to a shop?

edit--also, the 4x4 is not operating correctly. Does this have anything to do with the transmission?

Scan of cades revealed only a p1000, and p1260 codes. The od light did flash but no counting of flashes I guess. Should the od light flash a code sequence for the transmission?

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