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Thinking About Building Superlift-Style Brackets

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mountaineergree said:
Got it done and it bolts right in, which means I am done for the time being :bounce: I have spent a couple of hours nearly everyday working on this or the BW 4406 swap for the last month and now I am done!

woo hoo

when are you invitin me down to see what it will do?

Well $hit! I spoke too soon. :fire: The drivehshaft bots in without bottoming out, however the noise is still there. Not as loud, but still there. The kicker is when I pull it into 4hi the noise goes away. Could I have a bad front output bearing or is that still driveshaft related??

I guess for now the driveshaft is coming out- :dunno:

Congrats! Now go get it dirty and take pics!!

Dirty pics are definately in order ASAP. I just have to find somewhere to try it out.

jtsmith said:
woo hoo

when are you invitin me down to see what it will do?

Whenever you are ready- just come on down!

mountaineergree said:
Well $hit! I spoke too soon. :fire: The drivehshaft bots in without bottoming out, however the noise is still there. Not as loud, but still there. The kicker is when I pull it into 4hi the noise goes away. Could I have a bad front output bearing or is that still driveshaft related??

I guess for now the driveshaft is coming out- :dunno:

I started a thread about this in the transmissions and transfer cases forum. 410 has helped, but maybe someone has more suggestions?

Please :help:

EDIT: The story continues- follow the above link.

Its been a while, but I added bumpstop extension finally- I also added quick disconnects for the rear sway bar.





How things change. Almost makes you want to shed a tear--

Congrats! Now go get it dirty and take pics!!

Dirty pics are definately in order ASAP. I just have to find somewhere to try it out.

jtsmith said:
woo hoo

when are you invitin me down to see what it will do?

Whenever you are ready- just come on down!

I have blasted the parts clean, powdercoated them all wrinkle black and now hope to honor Evan's awesome fabrication skills by proudly wearing these parts on my own truck. I can attest to the excellent quality, in fact, you would have a hard time seeing a difference from the factory parts.



How things change. Almost makes you want to shed a tear--

Dirty pics are definately in order ASAP. I just have to find somewhere to try it out.

Whenever you are ready- just come on down!

I have blasted the parts clean, powdercoated them all wrinkle black and now hope to honor Evan's awesome fabrication skills by proudly wearing these parts on my own truck. I can attest to the excellent quality, in fact, you would have a hard time seeing a difference from the factory parts.


I know it's been a long time but how did the brackets come out and can I ask you for some specs because I have sheets of 1/4" plate laying around and want to build some ???
