Smorr 2014 october 10-11-12! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Smorr 2014 october 10-11-12!





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i'll be showing up, but i don't what i'll be driving as of the time of the meet. maybe a stock sport. maybe a jacked up turbo charged 84 f-250 4x4 6.9 granny low 4 speed diesel sporting 35's lol for $1200 :D


  • 84 ford diesel.jpg
    84 ford diesel.jpg
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i'll be showing up, but i don't what i'll be driving as of the time of the meet. Maybe a stock sport. Maybe a jacked up turbo charged 84 f-250 4x4 6.9 granny low 4 speed diesel sporting 35's lol for $1200 :d

t t t

stock sport or older truck- all is good!!

Interested... since Moab fell through.

I have been making my schedule for what I need to do for this trip today.

The explorer just needs a few joints and some fluids.

The F-250 on the other hand gets the engine pulled to fix a oil leak!!! Yea me! However it will all be done before SMORR and I am excited to actually wheel again. I have not been anywhere in 3 years! Go easy on me :)

Another reason to go, you never know when some magazine people will see your rig and like it, then makes it way several years later into FourWheeler Mag :)

Monday bump for the daytime surfers. :)

Would anybody mind if I posted a thread about this run on other media, linking them to this thread? Were not getting much response to this thread here, and the lack of sign up this far is disappointing to say the least.

Yea , Post it up.

I have submitted vacation for that Friday and has been approved, plan to drive up and be there mid day Friday. I have several friends with RBVs LOL Steves old rigs that are planning to tag along.

Can I be put down as a maybe? I really want to go as I have been unable to do any wheeling for a few years now. I'm hoping to get the trans installed in the explorer this week.

Count me as in and here's all the pictures I had from last year's run that never got posted.

Got the trans in my Explorer and took it out over this past weekend, it worked really well. This just might work out for me!

Jeep is fixed, still have a trip this weekend and labor day weekend to hopefully not tear it up.. I know my friends and I are looking forward to Smorr trip!

My 1st time at the park on 40s might be some new to me trails!! :)

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