2013 Truckhaven Rock Run Oct 25th-27th | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Truckhaven Rock Run Oct 25th-27th

hoping to make to truckhaven, going to be a long drive as I'm currently living in Alberta,Canada.Be nice to see sand and rocks instead of mud and rain.NO EXCUSES.

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^^^..Live Screen Capture brought to you by ExplorerForum.com...:D

hoping to make to truckhaven, going to be a long drive as I'm currently living in Alberta,Canada Eh. Be nice to see sand and rocks instead of mud and rain.NO EXCUSES EH.

Hmmm, well ill go down as a maybe. I've got no big plans to tear mine down and it's in good shape right now.

I was starting to think you were spooked at running your rig thru the washes of Truckhaven...You know...Since the last time you did...:p:

...And nobody pay any attention to the Maniak...His wife only let's him off the property to go play once a year and he beats feet to Truckhaven...:mattmoon:

How about we dig into the past for some inspiration...and motivation;)


My buddy from washington and I are trying to make this one. So you can put two mountaineer pre-runners down as a probably.

..You know...

...If Carlover and R.J. show up they will run your butts ragged...:D

..This might also turn into a big gofast run this year..:burnout:

..You know...

...If Carlover and R.J. show up they will run your butts ragged...:D

..This might also turn into a big gofast run this year..:burnout:

Nice. I'm 2wd with 4wd assist.:D

..You know...

...If Carlover and R.J. show up they will run your butts ragged...:D

And this time Ball joints and Hubs won't make the day extra exciting.. Of course if Justin rides along with R.J. then its R.J's turn to roll.. Last time it was Justin (and R.J. before that). Hopefully he breaks that tradition :)


Mine looks painted except for the gray bottom of the front door.

Nice. I'm 2wd with 4wd assist.:D

...Haha...I like that ...:D

And this time Ball joints and Hubs won't make the day extra exciting.. Of course if Justin rides along with R.J. then its R.J's turn to roll.. Last time it was Justin (and R.J. before that). Hopefully he breaks that tradition :)


..Not counting also, the popped spring and broke brake line on another vehicle...Multi car carnage and we were just wandering over to breakfast...:D

How about we dig into the past for some inspiration...and motivation;)

Thanks, Steve... I post I shouldn't have sold my truck and you link the video that it's in the most!


...Maybe Zukman can bring down both X's, theirs and the one they have for sale...:scratch:

...You can be the official driver of putting it thru it's paces for any and all potential buyers...That way it gets shown off as what all it can do and they don't have to worry about anyone wrecking it on a test drive..

Win Win...:biggthump

Tell me now what you want to see movie wise

Dust to Glory

And I likely will be rolling out solo myself so anyone that needs to ride shotgun I'll likely have room.

...Maybe Zukman can bring down both X's, theirs and the one they have for sale...:scratch:

...You can be the official driver of putting it thru it's paces for any and all potential buyers...That way it gets shown off as what all it can do and they don't have to worry about anyone wrecking it on a test drive..

Win Win...:biggthump

As awesome as that would be, I would never ask that of anyone. Well except maybe Paul... :D And that's only because he's let me borrow it before. Who knows when that thing will be ready to go anyway. I may have another rig before that happens. Which if all goes well, will be exactly the one you're talking about.

..Right on, that's some awesome news I don't want to jinx for ya...:biggthump

Paul? Paul who???..:p:..I know you are peaking in Paul...:D

I was actually going through all the old videos I made years ago, and realized we have had some really great times out there:thumbsup:

I hope many people can make it out, new and old. Rig or no Rig. It's just good time out there and we're all one big happy family:)

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Anyone have a trailer that can haul 3 rigs so I can just bring them all out at once?

