Camburg 6" for 2nd gen Explorers/Ranger Edge | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Camburg 6" for 2nd gen Explorers/Ranger Edge

good i need some really bad mine are at the very limit, when i put the brake on at full turn it barely stops the car

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ok guys--the camburg 6.0 kit is on and ready to go...good news for some of you...the '01 ranger edge lines will work on the explorer they have the same thats cool...also this camburg kit claims only 10" but i'm getting 12" b/c i'm running a longer shock so thats pretty sweet...anyways i'm looking forward to romping this thing it looks so bad coming soon...and arvin i'm going to be at pismo sunday and monday if you wanna come out and i said pics to follow sorry about the wait


i know i's not fair for you guys...but tommorow i swear...LOL...hey i was just reading your sex change thread.

yes finally!!! i cant wait to see those pics and take some pics of it in action too at pismo!!!

well are you down to go this weekend...we'll probably be at the dunes all day on sunday..i don't know what everyone else is doing but it's an open invite...i wanna test this kit out and the more the merrier..

i would love to but my front end right now is kinda in pieces, im in the process of building it right now but unfortunately it wont be done for about 2 weeks or so. hopefully you guys will be up to go in august when my trucks done!

im down for sunday. gimme a call.. i get off work at six though. we should have a bonfire or something. i got my rear fiberglass on now too.

btw. yeh i cycle about 12 also, i think its cause of my longer upper arm that chad designed thats longer then the usual kit to push out my negative camber. gimme a call when u come down. 805 23 4642

clarkkent said:
btw. yeh i cycle about 12 also, i think its cause of my longer upper arm that chad designed thats longer then the usual kit to push out my negative camber.

when i had stock arms and stock sized shocks my shocks limited me at about 9" but i got longer shocks and a new arm and mine is about 12" i wonder why they advertise only 10"...

they only advertise 10inches cause they strap it with limit straps. haha and my number sorry.

805 235 4642

haha hey we're all having this huge camping trip in pismo on aug. 13th. all u guys should head over.

i know they limited it at 10 but im suprised they wouldnt advertise more to help sell a product if they can easily get 12"

how much wider per side are those spindles that the 6.0 kit uses? isnt it around something like 1-1.5"?

the width is exactly like a procomp spindle.

wheres the pictures.
I have got to see this.

yeah where are those pics! i thought you guys hit up pismo last weekend!

haha nobody showed up. i just got back today and my buddy had a uniball tundra from donohue racing and he smashed his radiator into a sand ramp..

i will be up there the 12-14 with my X and my friend should have his edge too

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the 2003 Sport goes to Camburg at the end of the month. 6.0 Front End + Deavers in the rear. :)
