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Fire Extinguisher mounting


Explorer Addict
February 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Winston-Salem, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Cherokee
I want to know if it is safe to mount the fire extinguisher in the back on the drivers side up next to the glass? if not tell me the best place to mount it. i was going to screw it into the plastic (not on the wheel well but the step above that).

I just don't want to to fall off and mess up the plastic b/c that would suck to fix.

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Do you have a stock sub,if not bolt it in there:D

yes.. mine is done that way. i put a metal plate under the plastic via the compartment that holds the jack. two bolts through that and the plastic hold the extinguisher on. you can see it in the back window. someone asked me if it was nos one time so i humored myself and said yes.

i think cboug has a pic of his in the "explorer projects" forum. mine is the exact same. go take a look

you i should put a metal plate under the plastic and bolt it to that and trough the plastic?

yes. that way the stress is distributed to a large part of the plastic wall area rather than just 2 tiny screw holes.

my piece was about 2" wide by about 8" long. i just lined up the holes on the extinguisher mount and drilled through the metal.. then picked the spot on the plastic wall and drilled the two holes there too using the mount as the guide. put some bolts through it, slide the metal (you could use a piece of wood too) plate on the bolts from inside the compartment then put the nuts on and tighten down. all done

sounds very easy! now to get the peace of metal! Probolyt going to mount it tomorrow w/ Billy.

Why do you want it out in open view for a vandel to steal or just mess with?

If you utilize the cargo cover, it is not visible.

i don't use my cargo cover. i think it is useless!

idk don't think vandalism will mess w/ it. if they want to mess w/ it, they in the mall or the school or in parks. why mess w/ one in a car and set off my alarm when at a park there won't be an alarm and there's are bigger!!!!!!

here is mine


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Here's a link to a thread on mounting fire extinguishers that has a pix and info on how I mounted mine on the wheel hump in the cargo area.
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i think i'm mounting it in the rear guys next to the drivers side window on the rear. will post pics when i'm done.

here is what mine looks like


  • fire extinguisher.jpg
    fire extinguisher.jpg
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thats where mine is going!!!

will post pic today if i mount it today.

holy crap dude, that pic looks exactly like mine...i think its even the same extinguisher. well, youve got a different color interior, but besides that, it looks like you took a pic of mine.

i like where you have yours jasonb. i think i'll do something like that. right now i have a small one in the cargo pocket.

well guys it is in. Pics to come.

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