how bad have you been ?? | Page 17 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how bad have you been ??

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the other night i was drivin from a movie and saw something weird on top of a ford escape. turned out it was a couple kids throwing eggs at my exploder!!! so i slam on my brakes (was going 40) and whipped a Uie (lucky it was wet that night haha) i chased them through 25 mph backroads at about 45 for about 10 mins!! they finnally followed a dead end road so i blocked them in and they drove through someones yard and hit my steel plate bumper haha. so i turned around and they pulled into a driveway and i blocked them in. it turned out to be 4 girls in the car!!!! wtf!?!?! so i called the cops and he asked why my brakes were smokin :rolleyes: i smiled and said go ahead and head home and shoot my hand. (i love how my gf works at a popular coffe shop in edmonds and we know all of the edmonds cops!)

any who im glad i put all those new parts on my explorer it helped out alot:thumbsup:

oh $hit man! thats great.

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bicycle on sidewalk against flow of traffic. Riding while brown.

I got a careless driving last week, for spinning my tires in a heavily populated area....Campus cops have to much time on their hands

85mph in a 25mph zone. I was on my motorcycle banging through the gears still accelerating. Got a court date and paid a fine that almost brought tears to my eyes.

this sounds like the guy that rides through my neighborhood.. i think i'm going to take up golf just so i can 'accidentally' spill about 50 down the driveway when he's doing about 50mph down my street

I got tailgating and careless driving in the same stop. I also got pull over by a foot cop in nyc for seat belt and cell phone

55 in a 35; while not coming to a complete stop at a red light to turn, then burning out in front of the Cop who was beside me. He gave me a ticket and he knew my dad and had him give him a call. That was some B.S.

70 in a 35 and got an obstruction of view because my mom hangs to much crap on her mirror. Though they were both dropped and the cop had a stick up his rear still count? Oh yeah 3weeks after I got my license :cool:

86 in a 55 and a 3rd gen Explorer pulled me over.

:D Raced a cop on my way to a steakhouse... Got to about 120 before he flipped on his lights... He pulled me over and then we talked about my mustang for a little while and then he said have a good night and he'll get me next time...:D

Maxed out a 2001 BMW 740il to the limited 155 MPH the other day. Was fun and pretty much effortless for the car. I would have liked to buy the car but $11,000 for 70k miles on a BMW is way too much.

Did it mid-day on I-5 so I guess it can be considered bad.

when I was in high school and had my f150, I was going to school for a morning workout. It was still dark out and I was running late. As I was going down the road doing 65 to 70 in a 55,I see headlights behind me. I think it's my coach so I just keep going at the same speed. when I get to my high school and get under some lights, I see that its actually a cop. I pull into my parking spot and he pulls in beside me. Luckly, it's my best friends brother and he just tells me to slow down from now on and lets me go. To say the least, that was one long day at school. My parents still don't know about that one even though everyone else does lol.

100 in a 55 on a new 1977 Kawasaki 900,I was going faster then that but the cops speedo only went to 100.......and he impounded the bike and was a friend of my mom and dad.Who had to come down and bail me out cuz the cop chased me for 30 minutes....Ouch.:D

I don't do stupid stuff like that anymore and don't recommend it,in NY where I am from a cop in a 3rd gen Explorer chased a guy on a bike,crashed and was killed.

The kid on the bike never even saw the cop or knew he was being chased as he was out of sight before the cop took off,he got 7 years in prison.:thumbdwn:

Had a choice to make: either pay the fine, and NO, we don't do "payment plans", or give up the CDL, pay up $877 and take a bus home. LONG bus ride from AZ to KY. 137 in a 75. I was going home after way too long from home ( like 6 weeks too long ) I play "farmer" now. It is harder to get a speeding ticket on a 67 horse tractor. :rolleyes:

75 back when the speed limit was 55.

I was on Highway 395 south bound between Bishop and Lone Pine. it was about 8:00 at night. The CHP was driving a Mustang with the 5.0 Police Intercepter engine.

He walks up and asks for license and registration and walks back to his car. 30 seconds later an early 70's car goes flying by at 100+ and my truck shook because of the wind.

The CHiP runs up to me and throws my license and registration in the window and yells "SLOW DOWN" and runs back to his car, fires it up and smokes the tires as he tears off after his new target. My buddy and I look at each other and in unison say, "YEAH!"

About 10 miles down the highway we catch up to them and the cop has the guy with hands on the hood, etc. etc.

My biggest ticket was a DUI. $750 + costs but the worst part was the 8 weeks of outpatient treatment I had to attend.

$280 for slow roll past a stop sign and i mean slow like almost dead stop, first ticket ever and probably the only one i will ever get.

Since my last post in 2009 I've been a bad boy....

Tickets I got dismissed -

-55 in a 25
-78 in a 45
-40 in a 30
-63 in a 35
-2 "inadequate tires"
-Operating an unsafe motor vehicle
-Driving to endanger

Tickets I paid for....

-97 in a 65
-Unnecessary brake / acceleration noise (donuts in the walmart parking lot)
-Too fast for conditions (drifting the Explorer in the rain)
-2 inadequate tires
-Loud exhaust
-No front plate

I was heading down rt25 in New Hampshire around the Ossipee area with my girlfriend in her '88 Supra. We passed a Tahoe at 140mph and climbed to 153mph (gps said 153 speedo was buried lol). What do we pass? A NH state trooper in a Charger. No lights, no brakes, NOTHING. Needless to say we both shat our pants. I had no license (wonder why!) and she would have gone to jail. I would have been SOL in NH and her Supra would have been towed by some hillbilly....

I also burnt through 3rd gear in front of a cop in my turbo 2.3 Mustang without getting pulled over.

how is this for getting away with nothing, 145 in a 25 at 1:30 am on my streetbike went past the cop while he was asleep and woke him up with my loud pipes. i didnt think anything of it, he aparantly radioed in about me, and a cop in the next city stopped me to check my plate cause i was out so late, he gave me a warning and said that since he didnt see me going that fast and that the other cop didnt show up cause he was too lazy, that he said have a good day.

about 90+ in a 55 i wasnt looking at my speedometer but the cop let me go with a 79 in a 55 luckly i slammed on brakes and switched lanes and soon as he did cause that allowed my friend to get away lol we were racing lmao, i got a 73 in a 55 and i got a 70 in 55 and i got a 45 in a 25 only cause i outran the cop lol but he knows where i live so when he got to my house i was like how fast was i going officer lol and he wouldnt telll me all he said was you were cruising lol but i must have been going around 60 but he only wrote me for a 45 acceding the speedlimit ticket

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  1. Maxed out a 2001 BMW 740il to the limited 155 MPH the other day. Was fun and pretty much effortless for the car. I would have liked to buy the car but $11,000 for 70k miles on a BMW is way too much.

    Did it mid-day on I-5 so I guess it can be considered bad.
  2. I was heading down rt25 in New Hampshire around the Ossipee area with my girlfriend in her '88 Supra. We passed a Tahoe at 140mph and climbed to 153mph (gps said 153 speedo was buried lol). What do we pass? A NH state trooper in a Charger. No lights, no brakes, NOTHING. Needless to say we both shat our pants. I had no license (wonder why!) and she would have gone to jail. I would have been SOL in NH and her Supra would have been towed by some hillbilly....
  3. how is this for getting away with nothing, 145 in a 25 at 1:30 am on my streetbike went past the cop while he was asleep and woke him up with my loud pipes. i didnt think anything of it, he aparantly radioed in about me, and a cop in the next city stopped me to check my plate cause i was out so late, he gave me a warning and said that since he didnt see me going that fast and that the other cop didnt show up cause he was too lazy, that he said have a good day.
  4. about 90+ in a 55 i wasnt looking at my speedometer but the cop let me go with a 79 in a 55 luckly i slammed on brakes and switched lanes and soon as he did cause that allowed my friend to get away lol we were racing lmao, i got a 73 in a 55 and i got a 70 in 55 and i got a 45 in a 25 only cause i outran the cop lol but he knows where i live so when he got to my house i was like how fast was i going officer lol and he wouldnt telll me all he said was you were cruising lol but i must have been going around 60 but he only wrote me for a 45 acceding the speedlimit ticket

I've been reading back on this thread and I'm not enjoying where it seems to be heading. The last several month's we have seen posts "bragging" about preforming VERY DANGEROUS ILLEGAL activities. I'd like to step in now after a small talk with DeRocha and stop boasting about this childish activity. Not only are you putting yourself in danger with your decisions, but you are endangering those around you as well.

Posts that are mean, derogatory, insulting or promote illegal activity may be removed from the board at the moderators/administrators discretion and can get you banned at the Administrators discretion.

While I don't see this thread to the point of being in need of any deleting, I would like to put an end to the "boasting" that is being done. Let's start simply putting down what your ticket was for, and the fine if any. Let's not put to much detail about just what you were doing or how you evaded any fines.
