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MrQ's Red Flyer

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Finally added the overhead console. However I still need to run the wiring. I need it to cool down into at least the lower 80's here before I do ;) I also have the limited auto dim mirror in the works, as well.

Too bad your not up in north Texas... its been in the 70s all day. It's 67 right now outside. And because of that I'm going to go outside and do a good much needed deep cleaning of the ex's interior since I just got out of school!

Ok the wiring is run, but the temp sensor isn't working :mad: Once that is replaced (if I can find one) I should be laughing.

Check the thread in my sig for how I did it.

Ok, the guy I got the console from is going to send me a replacement. Fingers crossed ;)


Some new stickers... ;)

Finally got the temp sensor!

AND IT WORKS!! First off it worked, then it decided to only show -28 deg and ICE after I ran the wiring. Frustrated I let it alone and finished the wiring under the hood for a replacement sensor. But when I went back out after watching some TV to roll up the windows, it worked!!

I thought I was seriously screwed.

Tomorrow, Auto Dim mirror. Gotta check on the schematics tonight. :)

***EDIT: From what I can see from the wiring schematics, to get the auto lamps to work I require two relays that I don't have :( . So much for making the mirror fully functional. However, the auto dim on the mirror should work, which was my principle reason for purchasing it, so, no real loss :D

Alright istalled the Auto Dim mirror but had to run one more wire from the overhead console harness, the Red/Yellow wire. I just finally unplugged my dinger and cut its wire and boom, it works :D .

I still have another project I want to do and that is install CCDs in the front under the dash and in the back under the seats and run it to the Auto lamp feature on the mirror so when it gets dark out the lights come on.

And big project for the a rear disc brake swap.

Hey nice sticker!

Here's mine:

Explorer owners think alike eh? Well by the fact that all of us drive SUVs, I think we can all assume that at least no one on here is global warming liberal crazy.

I think you would probably want to stick to leds, CCDs will probably be too bright, no matter how dim you can make them. Plus if one was to ever break, you don't want to mess with cleaning up any of that mercury poisoning inside of your explorer.

Glad you were able to get your auto mirror installed. It works correctly now? On a GM suburban I remember that if I shined a flashlight onto the mirror I could see it instantly dim at night. You have the same effect?

Glad you were able to get your auto mirror installed. It works correctly now? On a GM suburban I remember that if I shined a flashlight onto the mirror I could see it instantly dim at night. You have the same effect?

Yep, it works and does exactly that. I also drained the rear differential fluid yesterday. It was as black as 100,000 mile engine oil and smelled more burnt than the chicken I left on the grill. :(

But I changed it out and now it seems the ride is smoother back there...:D

Ok here is how I want the mods on my truck to go down:

-Replace 3.08 rear axle with 4.10's hopefully one from a 2nd gen w/ rear discs ($300)
-At the same time do an SOA conversion ($40)
-Match the lift from the SOA up front possibly with full coilovers (?)
-Get bigger tires (31s or higher) ($450)
-Possibly rebuild the transmission ($300)

With just this I am looking at easily over $1000. Well, one step at a time then ;)


I personally wouldn't care to do an axle swap. And there is no easy way to do a small lift on the front suspension. So I would scratch those two.

Personally, I would just get some Goodyear all terrain tires, and keep it stock size, for the sake of your drivetrain. Some like these By Vehicle#technology

I would also install an automatic Aussie Locker in your back axle. You can do this yourself.

Between those two, an automatic locker and good traction tires. You would be set to go most places that a regular stock 4x4 would.

This combination keeps your ex just as streetable as it already is but makes it much more capable off road too. Its also a less invasive setup on your current mpg rating too.

But do what you want.

ATM the current setup is lacking in some things and since the 4.10 will give me some more options later on I think it would be a good starting point.

Found a D4 3.73 limited Slip axle at a junkyard today. Gonna pick it up next month. They are asking $250. I may trade in my old 3.08 to them and see if I can get a discount. :)

Also added a new mod. A 4D Maglite Holder and Flashlight.


Red's 2x4 to 4x4 Conversion

Ok, I have finally decided to make the jump and do the conversion. I found a parts vehicle at the local pick-a-part and have ran the numbers.

The parts vehicle is a auto 4x4 with coil overs and a SOA already done with 3.73 limited slip rear. Apparently it was originally owned by some suspension company.

This is how the parts and numbers are running:

Parts needed for conversion to a 3.73 4x4

-Front drive shaft -$50

-4x4 rear drive shaft - $50

-T-case skid plates - ?

-4x4 speedometer cable - ?

-Rear Axle matching front gears - $200

-4x4 control module for pushbutton 4x4 - N/A if I find a manual t-case

-Push button assembly in dash - N/A if I find a manual t-case

-Complete front axle assembly- $250

--4x4 brake rotors

--4x4 steering linkages

--4x4 radius arms

-Coil overs - $50

-Transfer case - $250

A4LD Transmission Extension - $38

Manual Locking hubs - ?


I am estimating about $900 to do step at a time. I will be pulling the front differential and coils next week. :D

If you have any advice I would more than appreciate it. Also if you have any of these parts for sale here and cheaper I would appreciate a heads up ;)


Wish i had those resources for my 3rd gen. It's hard to find 3 gens in the bone yards, they are all still on the road.

I know a conversion would be easier on a 3rd gen for the front suspension, but harder on the transmission, because I would have to take apart the transmission to replace the output shaft with a shorter one. Are you sure you don't have to do this for a 1st gen too?

Sounds like you have everything covered.

Here is another tid bit of information for you. I do know that on the 1st gens the 4x4 transfer case electric shift computer is located in the trunk behind one the the side panels, I forget which side though. You will need this computer for the push buttons.

I also know that for the push buttons the computer was moved up front under the dash for the 2nd and 3rd gens.

I have the axle!! I got one of the guys from the yard to give me a hand. Took us about an hour to pull the rest of it. Went smoothly until I got my ratchet extension stuck in the axle mount hole. :rolleyes:

But its home!! So I have few things to knock of my list:

-3.73 D35 TTB Front Axle
-18" Coil Springs
-4x4 Rotors
-4x4 steering linkages
-4x4 radius arms
-Auto Hubs

All for $200!!


I need to do some maintenance on it. Need new ball joints (tore those up in removal), bearings, turn the rotors, and diff fluid change.

Rear axle or manual TC next?

Around and around I go.
Wherever I stop, nobody knows.

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I scored a manual shift BG 1354 for $170!!


Ok that consumes this paycheck and my next one :( , but on the upside there will be no extra wiring, no push button, no computer, and little chance of breakage. :D
