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RJ's B2 Build

ouch, been there done that
What happened?? LOL

Red head box is awesome because they actually FIX the problematic Ford box so it does not wander so much.........
I fought and fought with my BII to get good steering (no slop, not grabbing ruts) for years.
It all paid off, once I had the alignment and geometry good on my suspension and all the looseness removed from the linkage and shaft with the addition of the red head gear box the BII finally felt like new....it drives so nice even with 35's and no sway bars.

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And with our weather....you probably already had the heater on...

Meh.... swap out the thermostat and move along...nothing not to see here...;)

And with our weather....you probably already had the heater on...

Meh.... swap out the thermostat and move along...nothing not to see here...;)

I was in the mountains, in the snow when this happened. I stopped and checked the car out before it got to this point. Not sure exactly what was happening with the guage, but it was lying. Engine had no signs of overheating, upper and lower hoses were warm, both the same temps, even the manifold behind the thermostat wasn't that hot. Definitely not overheating hot. So I kept driving it and eventually the guage went back to reading normal.

I suspect all the deep puddles I went through had something to do with it. Maybe water got into the wires or something. Because we did this road twice and it claimed I overheated both times.


And hey... Didn't hydrolock the motor this time. That's why I kept the stock airbox and fender linings in this car.

The state of California does (did) consider the Bronco II a car
I know because when we were on our way to Truckhaven ( or big bear?) once the trooper went around me and pulled over the Ranger in front of me. They asked why didn't you pull over the BII?
Cars did not have the same tire coverage laws in CA so he could not.
I have ran with it ever since, so far no mudflap tickets knock on wood

The mud flap laws are not separated by vehicle type in California, but are very vague.

27600CVC. No person shall operate any motor vehicle having three or
more wheels, any trailer, or semitrailer unless equipped with
fenders, covers, or devices, including flaps or splash aprons, or
unless the body of the vehicle or attachments thereto afford adequate
protection to effectively minimize the spray or splash of water or
mud to the rear of the vehicle and all such equipment or such body or
attachments thereto shall be at least as wide as the tire tread.
This section does not apply to those vehicles exempt from
registration, trailers and semitrailers having an unladen weight of
under 1,500 pounds, or any vehicles manufactured and first registered
prior to January 1, 1971, having an unladen weight of under 1,500

RJ, you probably just got some wiring wet and messed with the ground. When ungrounded, I think the temp sensors go to max.

Yes, I need to make a trip to the JY for some fender linings for the Navajo. Speaking of which, I still have the cluster from the Navajo if you need a spare.

Yeah I'm guessing it was the water. We passed through a lot of puddles.

So far it's back to working normal again. Which it did the rest of the trip too. I'll see if anything goofy happens going out to King of the Hammers tomorrow :burnout:

just razzin ya

I'll be out in Johnson valley at the king of the hammers race for a few days. And since I won't really be doing any trails and no passengers this time, I'm trying out a quick and easy sleeping arrangement in the Bronco II.

Looks like it is possible to sleep in a Bronco II



Just have to support the front leg


And make sure the middle leg doesn't sit in the hole to the right

I'm really regretting not going to KOH with my friends right now. Have fun out there!

I was thinking, what...in the fetal position? LOL:snicker:

Haha I've done that.

I saw a guy with an old Jeep Wrangler do this with a cot, so I gave it a try with my B2. But the Wrangler had to remove his front seat.

When I had the ol 2.9 I went to Lake Powell with some friends. On like the third day I got so overheated I went and took a "nap" in my BII with the AC on...when I woke up the truck was severely overheating just like your gauge up there...pretty sure that's when my head gaskets went and the next summer I went 4.0
I love your cot idea!!

My Explorer has never maxed the temp gauge. It overheated way before the gauge hit the end of its range. When mine gets to the "L" in NORMAL, its already bubbling. It only happened a few times and not since its rebuild. Anytime a gauge maxes out, its nearly always a ground issue.

I melted an engine in a 90's Crown Victoria many years ago on a very hot day. I left the windows rolled up and the AC on max, then went to help measure out a collision scene, which took much longer than I thought. When I came back, the engine was off and the temp gauge was nearly maxed. I waited about 30 minutes and it started, but was running very rough. Took it back to the station and wrote up a repair slip saying it was overheating and idling very rough (all true). It came back from the dealership with a new engine.

How was the Hammers? How did the cot work out?
Any plans to go to TDS?

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How was the Hammers? How did the cot work out?
Any plans to go to TDS?

It was cold. Very cold. In the 20's at night. The cot worked out pretty good. It made tearing down camp quick and easy and I didn't have a tent being blown away by the wind.

Haven't thought about TDS. I really should get that steering box replaced before any more trips.
