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Remote Start Facts (2011 - 2015 only)

Can you post a link to the VCX Nano tool you bought? Is the software part of a license or does it work indefinitely?

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Ya Im interested in that VCX Nano Tool as well.

Can you post a link to the VCX Nano tool you bought? Is the software part of a license or does it work indefinitely?

This one is from Amazon (because i had a giftcard there). However, the same ones are on Ebay with buy it now for about $10 - $15 cheaper. My guess is that the license that comes with it is bootleg. Someone with access to IDS made a virtual machine that you use. It has a 3-day license.

It comes with a DVD. You copy the virtual machine to your hard drive, and run it using VMWare player (which is free). If you delete that from your hard-drive, and re-copy the virtual machine, it will run another 3 days. So, basically it will keep running indefinitely. You would have to keep deleting it and re-copying it each time though.

Only 2 reviews on Amazon but they aren't endorsements. I'm worried this is on of those things that it's a bootleg and may sorta kinda work but no guarantees. And forget about troubleshooting with it. Nice to know this is out there but I think I'd be more comfortable buying something that seems more reliable.

I'll agree with you. I was hesitant before making the purchase. Some of the words on the connector itself are not spelled correctly. And most of the ones on Ebay say they come from China. I don't know if i'd reprogram an PCM with it, but for enabling the remote start, it got the job done.

I just finished writing my review on Amazon. That review has instructions on how to get everything up and working properly. If I use it for anything further, I'll update the thread.

Yeah, I bought a bluetooth OBD2 connector off ebay. It then syncs up to a smartphone. It's basically acting as an on the fly OBD2. It's a china knockoff and it's sketchy. It works fine in my 2002 F150 but doesn't work in my 2005 Mazda nor did it work in my wifes 2006 Honda.

So a new 4-button IKT arrived today. It does not work to start the vehicle either. The lock, unlock, and panic buttons work, but the remote start button does not. Should I just have the dealer re-enable the remote start then?

Is the horn honking or lights flash when you do remote start?

So a new 4-button IKT arrived today. It does not work to start the vehicle either. The lock, unlock, and panic buttons work, but the remote start button does not. Should I just have the dealer re-enable the remote start then?

They may have enabled it but not saved it? AH
Just thought of this. Do you have a switch for your hood when it opens?? Should be on the right side in front???? It's required too.

IDS doesn't require it to be changed and saved. Its a pass or fail function. Since the IPC has the settings that tells me it passed. That is the way it is supposed to work...stranger things have happened I suppose. Waiting for a reply on if the vehicle is giving any indications at all when the sequence is done. There are conditions where it will not work: open hood, weak battery, check engine light on, etc

IDS doesn't require it to be changed and saved. Its a pass or fail function. Since the IPC has the settings that tells me it passed. That is the way it is supposed to work...stranger things have happened I suppose. Waiting for a reply on if the vehicle is giving any indications at all when the sequence is done. There are conditions where it will not work: open hood, weak battery, check engine light on, etc

I knew you were lurking. Glad I paid attention to you. Saved me some grief. Has he mentioned the hood switch??

Is the horn honking or lights flash when you do remote start?

Nothing happens when I press the remote start button. I do have the hood pin installed. My 2014 Utility already had the wiring harness. I just had to add the switch.

When I unlock the vehicle via remote the parking lights and tail lights come on. When I lock the car they go out. The vehicle does not honk when I press the lock button a second time. If the parking lights and tail lights are already out there is no indication that the vehicle is locked other then the sound of the power locks.

Update: I tried reprogramming my two IKTs. This time I pressed the remote start button instead of one of the other buttons to program the remote and the car recognized that the remote start button was pressed. Any button can be pressed to program the remote and in the past I had been using the lock/unlock buttons to program the remote.

So does it remote start now?

Any chance you know someone with a PI Sedan you could test those FOBs on? Or even a PI Utility?

Any chance you know someone with a PI Sedan you could test those FOBs on? Or even a PI Utility?

I do, but none with remote start or one that would be willing to enable remote start because they're all fleet vehicles.

locksmiths have testers to see if its putting out a signal, theres a few on ebay also, it may not be the right signal but at least you can see if its transmitting. Did you get both keys from the same place? If you didn't it would be really strange both don't work. I wouldn't cut any extra remote keys till you figure it out, in case you need to sell them or use them for another vehicle.

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locksmiths have testers to see if its putting out a signal, theres a few on ebay also, it may not be the right signal but at least you can see if its transmitting. Did you get both keys from the same place? If you didn't it would be really strange both don't work. I wouldn't cut any extra remote keys till you figure it out, in case you need to sell them or use them for another vehicle.

I know that both remotes are putting out a signal because I can program the remotes using the remote start button.
