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Return from Truckhaven Turkey Day 2009

...I just hope he has really, really, good insurance...I counted 8 units on the ground, plus fire, ambulance, and helicopter...:eek:

...I would have been happy if someone threw me in the back of a Ranger and got me to the road...:D

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So if the 2WD ambulance could get right up to the injured guy, why did lifeflight have to take him out? Wasn't it a broken leg?

Broken femur major artery runs through there OUCH thats gonna hurt in the morning

yeah, ouch is right, femur is the biggest bone in your body. Brian, I commend you for being out there and so willing to help when you hear about this. You've used your talents more than a few times.

I got a little suprise myself yesterday. Was on the dirt bikes with about 8 guys when the guy ahead of me went over the handlebars and rolled about 4 times into a tree at about 30 mph (3-4th gear moving pretty good). He is alright and no broken bones but did suffer a concussion. Knowing what to do when you see something happen really helps keep a situation like this calm and make sure you do things right.

... why did lifeflight have to take him out? Wasn't it a broken leg?

A broken leg is a life-threatening injury. Delayed treatment could easily cause death.

Did not know that. Only thing I've ever broken is a finger.

A broken leg is a life-threatening injury. Delayed treatment could easily cause death.
Broken femur especially, since it is the largest bone in your body, and the upper leg muscles grind the bone ends together. Sometimes, the bones will slide past the break point and punch through the muscle. Upper leg muscles are so strong the only way to stop this is to use a traction splint. Had one in the RV, but now its in the back of the Explorer. One of the largest veins in the body runs right next to that femur bone. Cut into that, you bleed out in a few minutes. There was no way he was going to handle that bumpy ride back to the road.

So did you make the call for the copter Brian or did the paramedics need to make that call?

We told them they needed one, but they would not send it until the medics called for them.
Instead of calling 911 and getting the Sheriff's Department, we should have just called Dan (hammerhead) and had him get the CHP copter rolling.

A few pictures that my loser friend took.
Best flex shot of my rig (pretty good for a TTB)


..Your friend took some nice pics...:biggthump

A few pictures that my loser friend took.
Best flex shot of my rig (pretty good for a TTB)

Now you can get rid of those t-shirt avatars:D

I drove by T-haven on my way home today...not much action going on out there.

...BKennedy, did your friends take any other pictures of the group?

..Thanks for the info..:D

...I still have a grin on my face from last weekend...I thought it was a blast for such a short weekend and as few as were there...
