Sync 21098 OTA Available | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync 21098 OTA Available


Explorer Addict
February 18, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Mondovi, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
21098 came out this morning OTA. In the process of downloading. Hope it solves some of the issues that 21020 created.

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Just the one file to download. Working so far.


I downloaded the update and my TL is still broke.
sync 3.4.21098.jpg

TL broke_7-3-21.jpg

Not what we want to hear.

Not available for me yet.

This is a disgrace.
The people at Ford should be ashamed.
I thought their next update would get it right.

Yea, I didn't have the OTA available either so I went to the website and download it to a flash drive.

Regardless, it didn't fix the TL issue.
Forgot about checking my account. The update is shown as available but since I'm not having issues with 21020 I may wait a few days to see if it will update OTA. Thanks.


Not what we want to hear.
It will be interesting now that you installed 21098 and TL is not working what Ford says if you still are scheduled to bring it in this week. I read that 21098 was not working on the Cyanlabs forum. It doesn't surprise me though because 21098 seems to have existed when they pushed 21020 down so the same bug was repeated.

It will be interesting now that you installed 21098 and TL is not working what Ford says if you still are scheduled to bring it in this week. I read that 21098 was not working on the Cyanlabs forum. It doesn't surprise me though because 21098 seems to have existed when they pushed 21020 down so the same bug was repeated.
I had cancelled my service for now. I had no confidence that it would do any good so felt why have my interior torn apart so they could check things. Plan to run 21098 for a week and see what kind of luck I have. I had seen that to on Cyan labs that some were still having issues with 21098. Wonder how Cyan labs gets these updates before Ford releases them. Not that I plan on going there. Seen to many times where people had other issues that I don't want to deal with.

I had cancelled my service for now. I had no confidence that it would do any good so felt why have my interior torn apart so they could check things. Plan to run 21098 for a week and see what kind of luck I have. I had seen that to on Cyan labs that some were still having issues with 21098. Wonder how Cyan labs gets these updates before Ford releases them. Not that I plan on going there. Seen to many times where people had other issues that I don't want to deal with.
Good choice. Others have reported that changing the ACM and APIM did nothing. And changing the APIM is a bit intrusive. I'm curious if Ford thinks 21098 solves this issue. It'd not like them to issue a new update so quickly after a previous one.

I wonder if a Master Reset before, and after, this update might do the trick? When I reverted to 20282 it was wonky until I did a MR after the downgrade finished. I might try as I still have the files to downgrade if necessary …. and I’m a glutton for punishment!!


UPDATE: Here's what the USB drive looks like ...
Screen Shot 2021-07-03 at 7.23.33 PM.png

And, yes, on my Mac I did create the "SyncMyRide" folder and change the file names ... last time I tried using them as downloaded, it failed!! We'll see what happens this time ... "crossing fingers" 🤞

This is the 21098 build.
My ST auto downloaded 21020 and now my Travel link only works on the first start of the day. I just downloaded 21098 and hope it may restore things. Can you confirm how many files should have been downloaded? There seems to be less files compared to when I did this before. This download included 8 files in the syncmyride folder.

My ST auto downloaded 21020 and now my Travel link only works on the first start of the day. I just downloaded 21098 and hope it may restore things. Can you confirm how many files should have been downloaded? There seems to be less files compared to when I did this before. This download included 8 files in the mysync folder.
21020 had a Nav update. 21098 does not. 21098 also does not fix the TL issue. At least not for me

My ST auto downloaded 21020 and now my Travel link only works on the first start of the day. I just downloaded 21098 and hope it may restore things. Can you confirm how many files should have been downloaded? There seems to be less files compared to when I did this before. This download included 8 files in the syncmyride folder.
It only downloaded the 1 file for me.

My ST auto downloaded 21020 and now my Travel link only works on the first start of the day. I just downloaded 21098 and hope it may restore things. Can you confirm how many files should have been downloaded? There seems to be less files compared to when I did this before. This download included 8 files in the syncmyride folder.

One OTA from memory. It’s a small update. No, it won’t fix TravelLink. I think there’s something in there for echo in phone calls and some other items.

My ST auto downloaded 21020 and now my Travel link only works on the first start of the day. I just downloaded 21098 and hope it may restore things. Can you confirm how many files should have been downloaded? There seems to be less files compared to when I did this before. This download included 8 files in the syncmyride folder.

21098 gave me the same behavior. TravelLink worked exactly *once* and required me to have SiriusXM send a refresh signal to even have that happen.

I don't even use TL but have plenty of blank carplay screens with 21020 and 21098. Went back to 20351. No issues.

I don't even use TL but have plenty of blank carplay screens with 21020 and 21098. Went back to 20351. No issues.
I actually only use it for the traffic. But the other problem I had with 21020 was stopping to fill up gas, getting back in the car, and finding the SiriusXM screens totally stuck with no music and needing to use the power-skip forward buttons to reboot Sync... I'm going back to 20351 and turning off OTA updates...

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I actually only use it for the traffic. But the other problem I had with 21020 was stopping to fill up gas, getting back in the car, and finding the SiriusXM screens totally stuck with no music and needing to use the power-skip forward buttons to reboot Sync... I'm going back to 20351 and turning off OTA updates...
If you do that make sure to turn off WIFI also. I made that mistake and it updated even with the OTA turned off.
