Transmission Mount Opinion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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April 4, 2011
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Bonita Springs, FL
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2000 XLT, V6 OHV
So I’ve had a vibration in the cabin that’s gotten worse over the years ever since my transmission was lifted off the mount to replace the rear main seal. It’s noticeably worse when in drive or reverse at a stop, but gets better when in park or neutral. Indicating that the vibration occurs when the transmission is being used.

I climbed under the truck today and noticed that the rubber mount has cracks and looks to be sagging. It looks to me like the rubber mounts aren’t doing much anymore. That would definitely explain the vibration. I’ll be replacing the mount this week with energy suspension 41148G which is a polyurethane mount. Has anyone used this on a 5r55e? I’ll post back when the work is done for anyone that needs to reference this thread in the future. After 20 years it’s definitely time to replace the mount. The engine mounts were replaced in 2013.




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I've never installed a poly transmission mount on a 5R55E, but have used them in several other applications where they did a great job.

I've never installed a poly transmission mount on a 5R55E, but have used them in several other applications where they did a great job.

Cool. Thanks for the info. It seems to be a good material for bushings so it should work great as a mount.

I would expect a poly mount to transmit more vibration and noise into the cabin since they are stiffer (and appears to be a solid block of material, where the factory mount is not).

IMO you should get a replacement stock mount and go with that. It kept things quiet for 20 years.

I ended up going with a stock replacement after researching the poly one and finding out that it causes more vibration. I got it this week and I’m going to try to install it tomorrow. I see now that the cabin vibration goes away when I jack up the exhaust since the exhaust hanger connects to the mount and it lifts it too.

I installed the mount today and there’s definitely way less vibration in the cabin and my dash doesn’t rattle like crazy, so far. I need to drive it some more and break it in. The old mount was shot and the rubber that supports the transmission was almost gone.



My Pittsburgh 3 ton jack was able to raise the transmission enough so I didn't have to drop the crossmember. It’s a relatively easy job that took about 30 minutes.




Your pics look like my mount.
Thanks for the follow up,( I need to do mine too). I may get the poly mount and do a follow up, thanks again.

Well after driving it for two days the vibration that occurred in drive, at a stop has been reduced greatly. My dash doesn’t rattle anymore and it just vibrates a bit like a 20 year old Explorer should. Not perfectly smooth, but well within the tolerable range. But I’m still getting a slight shake in park that I have to figure out. Maybe engine mounts are next since I’m not sure what brand the shop installed in 2014.

I would also consider the exhaust system is making the vibration problem.

On my 96, vibration begins as soon as I start it. On the road driving, I can put it in neutral, rev the engine, and feel the vibration change. I am almost sure it's the catalytic converter exhaust mount that attaches to the transmission mount.

I would also consider the exhaust system is making the vibration problem.

On my 96, vibration begins as soon as I start it. On the road driving, I can put it in neutral, rev the engine, and feel the vibration change. I am almost sure it's the catalytic converter exhaust mount that attaches to the transmission mount.

I’ve replaced my two rear catalytic converters and the exhaust mount was actually in good condition after removing and inspecting it. But the vibration continued until I replaced the mount. I’d recommend checking your transmission mount since the exhaust bolts to it. The mount absorbs the exhaust vibrations along with the hanger. After driving mine and breaking in the mount, it feels way smoother and sometimes I even forget the truck is on at idle. I’m replacing the Y pipe within the next year as I continue to restore my truck, and I’ll post back if it lessens the small vibrations that are still present.

I put on a new transmission mount, but still have vibrations. I am pry going to replace the exhaust mount with an aftermarket unit, take it off completely, or have my local mechanic, who does exhaust, fab something up so I can remove the OEM exhaust mount.

I can lightly pound on the exhaust right by the exhaust mount, and feel the vibrations on the transmission.

I wonder if you can bolt on the style that my 2000 uses. It’s a larger size than the earlier hangers. Although they’ve been discontinued, you can try and find one from an 05 sport trac. It looks like they use the same hanger.

I tried a walker version but it was too small.

I also considered finding a large block of high heat rubber and cutting it into a cube that will fit into the oem bracket but the only rubber I could find on amazon was hardened.

Autofab sells some pretty nice transmission mounts for our trucks. I have one of his OHV 4.0L ranger mounts I modified it a little to fit my V8 trans....pretty sure he makes one these days that will bolt right in.......
