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Truck Haven for Thanksgiving '07

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On three different weather websites, I can only find a max of 7mph winds on Friday.

C'mon Tom, I know you don't want to miss this trip. It's probably the only time a good sized group of the:roll: ROP :roll: will be there

Let's see.. 1/2 of the house has no insulation or drywall up. The other half is getting worked on shortly..

The cold months are Jan & Feb, into March. I'd like to get the drywall back up by then.. that should help keep it warmer in the house.

...froader, fingers crossed, i might be able to let you borrow my front mt/r's so you can make this trip...i'll know when you get home from glamis...

colin why are you out? are your tired popped? or is it the trailer thing?

 post 143...and say a little prayer for me would help...;)

all you need is a tank of gas for the van. i'll feed you!

all you need is love, love.. love is all you need

Colin, i've got a back seat you can ride in since you won't be wheeling.

Hogwash! we can come up with some 35's for the weekend! i'll pitch in if need be!

How about some 37x13x15 boggers? My brothers friend has a set that he's trying to get rid of dirt cheap. They have alot of tread left but im not sure how boggers would do on the rocks and all that. I can find out how much of you want me to.

I am not sure I will make this one now. The woman wants me to go see her next week now that I have enough money to visit. If I have the time I will try to come out though. The only problem is she lives in the Bay Area.:rolleyes:

that sucks man. but i just realized you sig says that you have 26 inch fabteck shocks. WTF are you talking about?

I have 5 35X12.50 Goodyear MTR's on 15x8 rims doing nothing. Just replaced them with 36X13.50 IROK's on bead locks. Let me know by noon today if I should throw them on the trailer.

Me and Kevin are loaded up. I just have to finish packing some stuff in the truck, and Kevin just needs to hook up and we'll be on our way. We should have plenty of wood too.:thumbsup:


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you do know it's NEXT weekend right?

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Yep, sure do. We're leaving today though. Kevin is stopping at his folk's place and Tom's place for a few days. And I have business to take care of by the 20th in San Diego.
