What did you do to your 5th Gen? | Page 111 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What did you do to your 5th Gen?

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I am tweaking it, as i learn the ins and outs. I used to know a lot about Android, so i am giving myself a refresher course. I am looking at a launcher, like Nova. The equalizer makes a big difference over the simple sync3. By the way, the Sync3 apim attaches to the unit and uses all the oem components. I will give a better review, as i get more comfortable with it.
Please keep us updated on this Joe, I was eyeing this unit for a while but was hesitant because of the cheap price point for such a unit and because no one on this forum had one. Might pull the trigger =)

I just had my Steeda lowering springs installed yesterday. I’ve seen pictures on this forum of other members rides who have done this and I’ve even taken measurements but it didn’t prepare me for actually seeing in person my X lowered for the first time. It was a shock seeing the drastic change in the X’s stance... I love it! The handling is amazing for a nearly 5,000 pound suv. I’ve already had Steeda’s sway bar, trailing arms and toe links installed a few months ago and I am very happy with the handling, lots of fun. I’m going to drive it for a week and let the springs settle then take it back in to Pure Performance Automotive to do the alignment, no use in paying twice. I also got SPC’s front and rear alignment bolts to go with the springs. In the mesntime my X is riding straight and not pulling to the left or right.

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great looking Ex. I like the sticker in your back window.

Where did you get mud flaps/splash guards?
I don't believe they are the OEM ones. These are OEM; https://accessories.ford.com/splash-guards-flat-front-or-rear-8903.html#2018/Explorer
They don't show the front ones but the ones I had on a previous Explorer were moulded to fit around the opening a little.



I don't believe they are the OEM ones. These are OEM; https://accessories.ford.com/splash-guards-flat-front-or-rear-8903.html#2018/Explorer
They don't show the front ones but the ones I had on a previous Explorer were moulded to fit around the opening a little.


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Thanks. I'm leaning towards the oem. Read enough and want something that will match existing trim color and fit properly. They are all over in price. Most of the name brand aren't that much cheaper than oem.

Update on my Phoenix PX6 13.6” Android 9.0 head unit. Been a couple of weeks now, and i have learned a bunch of info. It took a txt to the seller to get the settings right and now everything works. I got on Android Forum and read for hours,then joined a FB group, administered by Very smart and helpful young man in Russia. I paid him for a custom made firmware that allows many settings, not available with stock. I have all the OEM Ford Functions through Sync3, the unit stays connected to my Sprint Drive hotspot (while my Sync3 apim is connected to my phone, through wifi, so wireless CarPlay is running at same time). I have downloaded Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, Movies Anywhere for Streaming Video. I also have a 1 TB SSD with around 400 movies and most of my audio collection. I also have Escort Live app that connects to my radar detector via Bluetooth. There is even FordPass app available for download. I have 4 usb ports available, 2 hooked up to Sync3 (wireless dongle for CarPlay, type-c port hooked up to QC wireless car charger/iphone mount) the other 2 from the HU hooked up to SSD leaving 1 free for updates, file transfers to the internal memory. There are still numerous things I haven’t had time to try. It came with a wifi obd adapter that can hook up to programs like Torque. Heck, if Forscan had an Android version (other than lite) i could hook up my OBDLink EX and play with settings. I will video my custom bootscreen and boot animation soon.






Installed UPR billet shifter for S550 Mustang. Thanks to ecoboost_xsport for the inspiration and how-to guide!

XEB shifter.jpg

Hi y'all :) I am in the process of finishing a few projects on my Explorer lemme tell y'all bout it :D


So I added 20' Satan black rims with some aggressive all terrain tires.


I got rid of the factory Ford emblems and installed this black ones.
I also wrapped the tail lights. I may go darker now that I got the black wheels, but I am liking the smoked look right now.
I still have to wrap the top third break light, but I found a led smoked one I might purchase instead.

In the process of doing a chrome delete. I am going for Satan black.
I have already wrapped the door handles still have to do the lower door trim.
The rear Explorer trim and front grille I will be having painted this week.
I usually would just Plasti Dip everything real quick, but I am going for a different finish.


Added these clear headlights that have a black housing.



I also removed the lower bumper valance.
I ordered a center hood vinyl decal and a weather tech hood shield.
(Grille being painted)


I replaced the lights under the side mirrors to blue LED bulbs.


When I ordered these headlights they came with some terrible halogen bulbs. I replaced the turn signal with a LED swith bulb,
LED headlights, Blue LED parking light.


A lot more things I have on the list like a brake kit installation slotted.

One more little item to update. Your location. You are obviously in Texas but your profile shows Denver, CO. ;)


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One more little item to update. Your location. You are obviously in Texas but your profile shows Denver, CO. ;)


Sorry I am new to this :D But I am living in Texas relocating back to Colorado eventually. Reason why I got the these tires too.
