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"Will This Work"

Think this will work?

Last picture is Winter's new work-out equipment


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OMG I'm on line again.....Iz I agree on upping the challenge however I think BOTH Iz and I would be sitting on the corner talking/day dreaming about the rig not building it. Where's my Lumpia?????
By the time you got finished thinking about the build, months, years, even decades could pass. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........Lumpia:D

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Friday Nite, the beginning of the 4-link setup.

1. The first picture show's how the frame was cut narrower and reshape for more cleareance.

2. Picture two show's getting ready for the setup.
3. Picture three is the Coilover Link Bracket. These bracket's were custom
made by Ballistic Fabicator's and were modified to have a 1 1/2" spacing.





Friday nite continued --

4. Picture four & five is the rod end pinch clamp housing.

5. Picture six is the frame link mount.
6. Picture seven is the lower axle link mount





Friday nite continued --

7. Picture eight is the total lower link setup.

More later on Sat. work!


easy as pie!
Keep em comin!

Finish 4 link system



At full bump we have a 3 degree's pinion angle change from ride height to full bump.


Winter is checking the plunge using a plumb bob


Were at 5 degree's at full droop


From ride height to full bump we have a 1/4" of drive shaft plunge. WOW that is good.


From ride height to full droop, there is a total of 2 1/2" of driveshaft plunge.

Copy of DSC00758.JPG

Copy of DSC00759.JPG


we are not worthy

trophey truck status

My favorite part is how the chassis is tweaked to make way for the rear shock -- must have taken a lot of work!

Wild stuff:D:burnout:

Iz you like that.....It turned out way better than I could have planned, I love the new tow rig....

Thanks Winter!! (who by the way is online ;) )

Coilover's at full droop


Shock Bracket's (Winter make's these, amazing)


...:D...Precise with no tack welds...."Simply Amazin'" (in the voice of Huell Howser)....:thumbsup:

You guys are doing some super nice work.:thumbsup: I'll say this for everyone I can't wait to see this in action.

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...lol, I forgot they were together out there...We sure do miss Iz out on the West Coast..
