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Window Side Vents / Deflectors

Weather tech or the avs are better they go in channel and warp onto window nicer !

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I got mine from y'all last week. Went on easy and looks great.

I put them on last sunday. Texas has a problem with pop up rain storms this time of the year. Tuesday, a coworker came in to tell us it was pouring outside.

People made a mad dash for their cars to raise windows. Me, I just smiled because I had the vent visors, so with the windows cracked open the rain did not get in.

Haha thats great! and a good point as well venting your windows just a bit in the summer heat can bring down the temps in the car by as much as 20-30 degrees.


Weather tech or the avs are better they go in channel and warp onto window nicer !

If you ever notice why no OE manufactures offer these type it's because they interfere with the weatherstrips and seals of the vehicle.

Vehicles are tested in wind tunnels and much attention goes into the design of these seals to keep noise and water/air leaks from entering the vehicle.

By displacing these seals all of that engineering pretty much goes ... out the window , no pun intended


Weather tech or the avs are better they go in channel and warp onto window nicer !

i would like to see a picture of these.... dont really like the stick on the outside of the door... like the in channel on my truck,

Have a set!

I ordered a set from the dealer and didn't realize they were stick ons. I would prefer channel lock because of they have a cleaner look!

It does make sense what Benny says about the weather strip and seals! :thumbsup:

ModMiFord, Do you have any closeup pics of the front window install? It doesn't look right if I install between the mirror or the rubber weather strip.

Sooooo sorry Flyeclair, I have been traveling and have not had much time to spend on the forums. My apologies for the very delayed reply..

Here are some close ups of the front visor, forward side by the mirror.


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Just placed my order at, hope I get them soon!
Side Window Deflectors Part #82565
Front & Rear Set for Ford 2013 Explorer - Dark $99.95

Shipping $15.00
Damage Insurance $4.95
Total $119.90

When I ordered our '11, I had the dealer order the Ford visors. First set, the tab by the mirror was broken off (in the packaging). Second set was cracked at the same tab (in the packaging).

I then bought the AVS visors that mount outside the channel. No problems. Had AVS on 7 vehicles so far w/o issues.

The dealership wants $80 some-odd dollars for this and I'm curious if anyone has had experience with these.

It seems there are in channel and out of channel versions that adhere with a 3M foam tape. (Seems in-channel would be preferable, anyone know?)

I live in the ironically named "sunny Florida," but trust me, when it's not skin cancer sunny, its Super Rainy Florida. So I'm wondering if these are helpful/necessary or is there some wonder design to the new ex that makes these superfluous.

Thanks all,

There is a member on the forum that is also a dealer who had a post on these items not too long ago with a special price.
I have also read a post that says the stick-ons are preferable because unlike the in-channel ones, they still allow the window to fully close and seal tightly.
I personally have no experience with them.


The AVS In Channel vent visors work well. I have them on our Ex for about 9 months now.
They seal perfectly and have no problems with windows not closing all the way.
You have to read the instructions AND follow them to get them to fit right.

There is a member on the forum that is also a dealer who had a post on these items not too long ago with a special price.
I have also read a post that says the stick-ons are preferable because unlike the in-channel ones, they still allow the window to fully close and seal tightly.
I personally have no experience with them.

Peter is the place that had them on sale for 69 bucks.

I got them for my 2013xlt and the went on with no problems. They look and work well. Real Ford parts.

So does anybody have any pics of the in channel vent shades yet? please post pics as im would like to buy the in channel ones

There is a member on the forum that is also a dealer who had a post on these items not too long ago with a special price.
I have also read a post that says the stick-ons are preferable because unlike the in-channel ones, they still allow the window to fully close and seal tightly.
I personally have no experience with them.


Peter, the in-channel ones are ok, you have to test-fit before permanently fixing them to the channel(s). For example, the front windows the visors do not go directly into the channel, a section goes between the weather strip and the door, the same is for the rear window, there is a section that goes outside the channel. If you try to put them in the channel you will not be able to close the window. Check the picture.

Weathertech Side Window Deflectors

I ordered a set of 4 side window deflectors and a bug guard for my 2013 at the end of August from Weathertech. The bug guard I received in 2 days, but I hadn't heard any updates on the window deflectors. I just called Weathertech tonight for an update on them and was told the deflectors are on backorder and the soonest they're expected to be in stock and shipping again is the second week of October. Since the odds are just as likely that it could be snowing as it being 80 degrees by then I just had them cancel my order.

Does anyone have a set of the Weathertech window deflectors? I'm just looking for some thoughts on them since I used the AVS/Lund deflectors on my last vehicle and wanted to try the Weathertech ones on my EX because I like the concept of no adhesive strips. My dilemma now is that not providing me with an order update after 3 weeks, especially when the product is backordered, has kind of shaken my confidence in Weathertech.

I feel your pain and anger, I also ordered a set of the Weather Tech side vent's for my explore on Sept. 1 never did here from them so I called 2 week's later and got the same results you got, I didn't cancel my order but am a little P.O. about there lack of concern.

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I ordered a set of 4 side window deflectors and a bug guard for my 2013 at the end of August from Weathertech. The bug guard I received in 2 days, but I hadn't heard any updates on the window deflectors. I just called Weathertech tonight for an update on them and was told the deflectors are on backorder and the soonest they're expected to be in stock and shipping again is the second week of October. Since the odds are just as likely that it could be snowing as it being 80 degrees by then I just had them cancel my order.

Does anyone have a set of the Weathertech window deflectors? I'm just looking for some thoughts on them since I used the AVS/Lund deflectors on my last vehicle and wanted to try the Weathertech ones on my EX because I like the concept of no adhesive strips. My dilemma now is that not providing me with an order update after 3 weeks, especially when the product is backordered, has kind of shaken my confidence in Weathertech.

I love my Weathertech side window deflectors and they fit great on my 2011 EX. The rear windows have adhesive strips but it's no problem. I have used Weathertech on my prior vehicles and never had a problem. I purchased a set of the AVS deflectors but never installed them since the Weathertech deflectors were available a short time later.
