Glamis in February | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Glamis in February

Hey, the girl and I were thinking about doing a glamis ride on the bikes this same weekend. It didn't even dawn on me that you guys are going to be out there.

I'll see if she wants to go.

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thats odd, people don't usually add on the last week, they usually drop this week :confused:

all right, come on down :thumbsup:

i'll try to pm my phone number to anyone who's going/thinking about goin. but if you're thinking about going and don't get a pm from me, shoot me a pm so we can exhange phone numbers.

correct me if im wrong, but people going that already have my number are:

Danny, mounty71, boomer12, cybergasm, right?

the day after tomorrow :cool:

cyber, you get your check?

goblin, you get your "new" arrival?

i'll try to pm my phone number to anyone who's going/thinking about goin. but if you're thinking about going and don't get a pm from me, shoot me a pm so we can exhange phone numbers.

correct me if im wrong, but people going that already have my number are:

Danny, mounty71, boomer12, cybergasm, right?

i have it :D

the day after tomorrow :cool:

cyber, you get your check?

goblin, you get your "new" arrival?

No check yet but working to find the cash.:rolleyes:

just park the explorer at home and catch a ride with someone else all weekend and not spend a dime :D

Yea I could but thens it's no fun just standing around all weekend.;)

I can't believe it's Wed already, I'd have to mount my paddles on my bikes and get a few things organized. I'll pass on this so I can finish up some home improvement projects that I've been working on.

meaning your out, Danny?

meaning your out, Danny?

yup, do me a favor and take as many high res pics of anything and everything out there. I've got a website that I've been working on.

I can't keep running around with my truck not getting finished.

Looking like a perfect weekend...

Today-PM Showers/Wind 67°/44°
Fri-Sunny 72°/44°
Sat-Sunny 78°/46°
Sun-Sunny 82°/48°
Mon-Mostly Sunny 83°/49°

I just have a couple of things left to do, and I should be good to go...
Is there any special requests, or anything extra that I need to bring???

R.J. when and where would you guys like to meet???

i may not be making it out now. just went to pick up my truck, and several things weren't done right, so its back in the body shop.

Well it looks like I am out for this trip since there no check for me this week.


Yall have fun now:D

its so sad to come back on and find out people aren't making it :(

hopefuly everyone can save up and make it out to pismo!

boomer, im not sure. somewhere arond te 10 and the 215 fwy around 11-1130. we'll have to set an exact spot and time by the end of the day. do you know any place around there that would be an easy meet up?

aww damn it, now it looks like i have to make a run out to AZ to pick up stuff from you danny

guys, bring some firewood!!!!!!! i forgot all about it, but we don't want a dark camp ground, do we?

I'm not super familiar with the area, but I believe there's a AM/PM off of Waterman Ave on the south side of the freeway.

...and I'll see if I can round up some wood.

I bought a lot of firewood, as much as i could fit in the back of the ex. and still have room for all my stuff. But now there's a spider running free in the truck :( I hate spiders.

im pretty sure most of the wood we bring will be infested with spiders :eek:

you serious cyber? im sure one of us can if you want.

turns out justin isn't bringing the broncy. so he's just a ride along too

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