section525's '13 Explorer XLT 4WD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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section525's '13 Explorer XLT 4WD

I picked up one of them controversial 2011-2013 Explorers the other night for the wife. :D She absolutely loves it so far. Twelve hours after buying it we headed on our first road trip up to WA State. I averaged 21.5 mpg and half of that was mountain passes. So I'm pretty happy. The technology in this thing is pretty insane. Especially compared to my Super Duty.

Anyway, I think this is going to make a great little family hauler. Kids love the moon roofs!


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I was worried it would be too small for us. But it seems up to the task so far. The middle seats recline which makes it easy to fit the car seats as efficiently as possible.

We're getting old, Froader. Remember the old days when we were 22 and it was all about lifting them and adding 35s? Now we have to live vicariously through Stic-o. :p:

Congrats on the new Ex. I love the color. :eek:

I was worried it would be too small for us. But it seems up to the task so far. The middle seats recline which makes it easy to fit the car seats as efficiently as possible.

We're getting old, Froader. Remember the old days when we were 22 and it was all about lifting them and adding 35s? Now we have to live vicariously through Stic-o. :p:

Hey...I just refuse to give up!:D I got my DD/tow rig, my mom mobile/family hauler and of course the off road/movie car.

Honestly JP doesn't get out as much as I'd like, I just found a way to make it more usable with the movie car stuff.

The wife driving JP last T-haven most of the time was a big WIN however!:thumbsup:

Congrats on the new ride! We have looked at the new explorers quite a bit.

...:scratch:..Note to self...

...See who bankrolled...I mean...See who gifted Section in the Secret Santa this year and see if they will adopt me...:D

I agree, great color. Enjoy!:chug:

Hey...I just refuse to give up!:D

And I'm glad for that! Kids are supposed to be the beginning of life, not the end ;)

Congrats on the new Ex. I love the color. :eek:

Thanks. We were a little worried about the color. It seemed pretty bubble-gum in pics on the dealer site and of course when we went to check it out it was dark already. But luckily the wife is happy with it. Funny thing is.. we have four vehicles currently. Four Fords. Four blue Fords. :D





Can't go wrong with blue! ;)

Looks great! Love the color.

Wasn't your other Explorer Blue?:D

..And when did the other Explorer disappear?..:(

Wasn't your other Explorer Blue?:D

Funny you should mention that. :p:


I actually still have this one at home too. I wasn't planning on trading it in.. I was going to keep it for an EFI swap in my Bronco... but they gave me $200 more than what I paid for it two years ago. So it was kind of a no-brainer. Just gotta get it to the dealer when I get back to CA.

nice x u got there and nice color too

It's been 9,000 flawless miles. This thing has been the perfect size 98% of the times. 2% it could be a little larger. I decided to see how it did towing the boat to the lake. It pulled great and got 15.5mpg. My Super Duty won't get that without towing! So the Explorer has hauled the boat a few times already. We average just about 20mpg on a daily use.. mostly all city/county back roads.

Some pics (hopefully.. using Forum Runner):


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Thats awesome. I must say, the cost of diesel, maintenene, headache, etc doesn't make me miss mine. If your Explorer is getting that meage , that is great. My Escalade will get similar highway mileage but hook up a boat and I'm under 12 mpg.

looks nice section really liking the color. does that thing come with a full size trailer hitch? i think the last gen was scaled down a little.

Thanks. I was surprised to find a 2" receiver with both 7 and 4 pin trailer connectors. It also has a towing mode which works pretty well. I used it a while back to haul the dump trailer (empty, of course).

The only complaint I have on towing with the '13 is how loud the whole trailer/hitch/receiver combination is. Since there is no frame all the clanking and clunking is transferred right to the cabin. It's only intolerable when the trailer(s) are empty though.


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Thanks. I was surprised to find a 2" receiver with both 7 and 4 pin trailer connectors. It also has a towing mode which works pretty well. I used it a while back to haul the dump trailer (empty, of course).

The only complaint I have on towing with the '13 is how loud the whole trailer/hitch/receiver combination is. Since there is no frame all the clanking and clunking is transferred right to the cabin. It's only intolerable when the trailer(s) are empty though.

I know how that is! When I moved my sister-in-law back out here from Texas we used her Escape, to drag a u-haul trailer back out here. When first picked up the trailer, I was thinking there is no way I'm driving half way across the country like this, it would rattle the truck to pieces. But once we we're loaded you only noticed it behind you on hills and stop lights. That and the 12 mpg in high 20's mpg suv:(
