Spring wheeling trip at SMORR | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spring wheeling trip at SMORR


It's Always Something!
Staff member
Elite Explorer
August 1, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 & 95 XLT's
Southwest Missouri Off Road Ranch. It is less than an hour east of Springfield. It is a large park with 0ver 900 acres of trails. It boasts level 1 through 5 trails with distinguishable trail markers, spectacular hilltop views, fresh water and dump site for campers, camping sites with power. New shower and bath facilities, small town stores a few minutes away, and a truly friendly staff of 4x4 enthusiasts.
This is in the heart of the Ozarks. Plenty of hills to climb in MO!
May 29,30,31. '09
Time is a ticking! Is every body about ready? Get your mods done, and make sure you make a list for what you need to bring! Check it twice!
Things to bring:
First aid kit--tow straps--tire plugs--flashlights--water--cell phone--working CB--any spare parts you have..lol!
ICE!! plenty of it!! --Dont forget liquids and plenty of food--condiments--paper goods--plastic cups, silverware, napkins--Bug spray
bath towels--toiletries--lights--lawn chairs--plenty of clothing --a sweatshirt for the night time--blankets--pillows--etc...

Page 6----Post 117 has camping fees. Read this and post back your plans please.
If you need electricity, you must rent a R/V site! "Borrowing" power via a "cord" will get you ejected.

I will be bringing a very large Grill, everyone can feel free to use it.

Friday-----Sunny, 82* H, 57* L, 0% rain
Saturday--Sunny, 86* H, 62* L, 0% rain
Sunday----Sunny, 86* H, 65* L, 0% rain

Don't forget lights! For your camp site and your Truck!
Midnight Run on the 30th!!

----------------SIDE FX------------------------------

We are going to be jamming with a Great band in the pavilion! Donations gratefully accepted.

DOOR PRIZES !!!!!!......Saturday night drawing!! EF Related items and more!! Get your ticket stub upon arrival!!
You must be on the "IM IN" list to get a ticket for the door prize! We have to be able to know how many prizes to have for everyone.
This includes your guests as well, so make sure you have the correct number of guests posted. No double tickets will be handed out.
Deadline for the head count is the end of the 26th. Your in, or your out. Maybes don't count.


The "I'M IN" List: Final count is 27 people for the door prizes

Gmanpaint--------------------------------1 R/V site w/power & 1 primitive site / 2 nights
Turdle+1----------------------------------1 primitive site / 2 nights
Dislexiclawyer + 1-------------------------1 primitive site / 2 nights
Rookierider+1-----------------------------1 R/V site w/power / 2 nights
Corkey-----------------------------------1 primitive site / 2 nights
Techieman +1--------------------------- 1 primitive site / 2 nights
Dkchrist ----------------------------------1 primitive site / 2 nights
Burns + 1-------------------------------2 primitive sites / 2 nights
Zukman +1-------------------------------1 R/V site / 2 nights
Bronco2guy + 5---------------------------2 primitive sites / 1 night
SVO42 + 2--------------------------------2 primitive sites / 2 nights
Rodger9221 + 1---------------------------1 primitive site / 2 nights
Mean Gene -------------------------------1 primitive site / 2 nights


Chad551.........................working on rig

Wheeling and camping rules:
SMORR link!...http://smorr.net/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1















Some pictures from a scouting we did on 3/22/09.

http://s402.photobucket.com/albums/pp101/gmanpaint/smorr 1st run/?albumview=grid

http://s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj73/dislexiclawyer/SMORR Trial Run/?albumview=grid

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Sign up, and lets get some ideas flowing!

Questions: Camping, 1 0r 2 nights? This is up to you! We need to know what your plans are ahead of time!

Food: Pot luck style or fend for your self? If everybody just brings some food, we can share and set a dinner time. Breakfast and lunch can be on your own. How does that sound?

Actual dates: May 29, 30, 31. Fri, Sat, Sun. Camping on Fri, and Sat. nights

Share camp sites or you want your own? Share where best suited.

What are the requirements for your rig? Front and rear tow points, cb radio. A rear or front locker will help. 31" tires
or bigger will definitely help.

Please remember: We only leave behind TIRE PRINTS! Please be respectful of the facility, and clean up behind you and
others if need be.

Feel free to add to this list, I will update it as we go.

i am in for sure! maybe i could get some help from ya'll more experienced guys for working on my 99xlt. i've read about doing a BL by yourself but it scares the crap out of me to attempt alone. Im an Eagle Scout so i am def down for camping one or two nights making it a weekend trip. it'll be worth the drive from St.Joe/KC area!

Put me down as a maybe!

It all depends on what's going on then for me. My Ex is about to get some 1-ton axles! :bounce: Maybe I'll be lucky and have it done by then.

I have another possibility I would like to offer. Capital City Crawlers (http://www.capitalcitycrawlers.com) is seriously considering having a springtime run at SMORR also. We discussed it at our last meeting Sunday. Maybe we could coordinate this and have a really big turnout! :biggthump:

My guess would be sometime in April, but we'll see. We'll most likely have a poll at CCC's website for that side's opinion. Whatcha think, gman?

My typical preferences:
1. camp Friday and Saturday night
2. share sites as needed comparing shared cost vs. space
3. Food: BYOB-it's one less thing to have to worry about. My past experiences have been that I spend most of my time wrenching beforehand, and then sometimes at the park!
4. I like convoys, though (cue C.W. McCall). Some minor organizing of people around the same general area leaving together can be fun, esp. if everyone has CBs. Bonus: you have help in the event of a breakdown on the way!
5. I have been confined to easy trails for the most part, but with my upcoming SAS, we'll see! If my dad comes in his Jeep, that would be an "easy" group rig since he has yet to test it out.

RangRayy: For about a week prior to the BL, start spraying every bolt with PB Blaster or something similar. Make sure you have a few good jacks. Some 2x4s and an impact gun couldn't hurt either. Everything went fine on my BL except for the two front bolts. I don't know if Ford changed the mounts between '94 and '99, but the front ones are in a captured NYLON (WTF?) nut that immediately rounds off. I had a set of vice grips on the metal washer that the bolt also screwed into and held the VGs against the Ex with my leg while my neighbor wailed on the bolts with an electric impact gun. Unfortunately, the washer is cupped and water collects in it, rusting the bolt to it quite nicely. Here's what you'll get:


BTW, I did a 2", and the thought of a 3" made me a little green (thinking of adding another inch and getting the bolt holes to line up).

I don't want to sound too proper, though. I was using some pretty ghetto-rigged things to finish my BL:


Good luck!


rangrayy, i live in pleasant hill and have done the lift. would be more than glad to help. one condition, i gotta swap a transmission. :D btw, anyone have or reccomend where to get a m5r1 and all accesories. you can find my 5r55e in the ditch:salute: oh yea, im in... after swap.

think i have enough time for tranny and sas swap b4? not sure what the time frame we're looking at here... rangrayy pm me and i'll give ya my cell.

SO G what were saying about me and SMORR last night in the chat???

SO G what were saying about me and SMORR last night in the chat???

I SAID>>>>doubt you could make this trip due to the distance for you. Just like I doubt I could make Truckhaven. You thinking about going? You would be the farthest member to make it!

trying to track down parts is killing me... i have the money, time, and want.... just cant find my early bronco or tranny donor. i had 4 bolts left in a m5r1 when they chased me out of the yard to close. next morning they scrapped the whole damn thing 30 min b4 i got there. only one they had and would of been $118! sorry, done venting...

I'll keep an eye out for the date. Lots of things up in the air at this point.

i am so down for this! this is exactly what i need. get the hell out of town for the weekend and have some fun. it's not too far from home either, so i'd be able to leave friday mid morningish. i might be able to get some of my friends to go with me too... though they'll more than likely be in jeeps. lol.

Hee-hee! Look what I found:


Hopefully I can get them swapped in before the trip!

i guess i better get all the cameras out for this trip,,

Man, I would love to go, but my truck isn't up for it. Completely stock, at least as far as offroading goes. Being poor sucks, lol :( And living in an apartment is killing me cause i have to pay to have someone do all the work on it that could do myself if I had tools and a garage. I really miss the days of being able to use the hobby shop at Camp Pendleton. Of course back then I spent all my money on beer and partying, now that i have no place to work on it all i want to buy is stuff for the truck. Go figure....

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there are easy , and there are tough trails,, it doesn't matter if you are lifted , it matters that it is an Explorer , or Ranger,

it is about meeting some of the people from the site,, and having a good time,,
